Burlington Daily News from Burlington, Vermont (2024)

BURLINGTON DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST, 14, 1920 SUNDAY SERVICES Thunder StcmCrcatcs Pat 2.30 THE STRONG Eva. 8.15 Bamel of Near Beer Falls On Two St Albans Laborers TONIGHT TONICHT Oscar F. Hodge Presents the American Amusem*nt Institution 8t Joseph's Chureh Masses at St. Joseph's Church tomorrow will be held at eight, children's mass at nine and high mass at 10:30 o'clock. Rosary and benediction at 7:30 o'clock in the o'clock yesterday morning, when a bridge on which they were transferring barrel at IWo nir beer e'ipped out from between the causing both men to, VI to the ground, one barrel on top rf Faddn.

striking him across the stomsch and left La-clair suffered a sprained right rhoulder and several bruises. Both men were taken to the oGice Cf Dr. S. W. Taige where they refcelve medical attention.

Havcc la Rutland Phone, Jiight and Alarm Services Nearly All Out of Coir-mission Yesterday. TERRIBLE CASE OFECZETiIA Prominent Veterinary of Dover Suffered Tortures for Twelve Years. VST. ALBANS. Aug.

14. Wallet-F. FiJiJen of Sainton and Lmii Laclair QJt this city who are employed at tha freiibt house of the 2. r. railroad weie seriously injured about 7:11 evening.

As Sunday the feast of the Assumption of the- Blessed Virgin Mary, the 10:30 mass will be a solemn high mass. Members of St. Aloysms society will receive Communion in a body at eight o'clock. RUTLAND, Aug, 14 The severe storm which hit this section In the middle of the forenoon yesterday created havoc with the wire system of the Rutland Light and St Mary's Cathedral The masses tomorrow morning will be held at seven, eight, nine; 10, and 11 o'clock. In the evening there wiU be the rosary and Power and tha local telephone company.

The Are alarm system is entirely out of order, all three circuits In the system being out of order. Fire Station No. 1 received a hurry First Baptist Chureh Morning worship at 10:30 withser New phone, oall at noon yesterday and the truck sped to US Gibson avenue where there was a saght blaze in mon by the Rev. Edgar R. Hyde of Middletown, Conn.

Bible school at 12 noon. Y. P. U. service at 6:30 in the vestry.

Topic: "Lessons No raise in prices, But the same high stsndard of entertainment PRICES: Mat. 29c to $1.00. NIGHT 50c to $1.50. 8eats now en sale the house owned by F. W.

Lehr and Grocery Department Gold Medal d1 A f7pr Light Brown Sugar 99 Flour bbl pi. I Gold Medal Flour, Of? Home Grown Cabbage, Jack vXoOtJ pound OC Pillsbury's A QK Summer Squash, V9n Flour, plfloOO, pound I Pillsbury's QIY Carrots Flour, vJ-U bunch' OC occupied by George Martin and from -the leader, Charles Tous family. 'The blaze originated from the elec trie system which was short circuit' ley. Evening auditorium-, service at 7:30, Dr. Hyde preaching.

All strangers in the city are cordially Invited. ed on account of the electrical storm. A ball of Are seemed to Jump from, a switch and all the fuses were blown out and most of the wires In the Free Methodist Chureh "FRUIT-A-TIVE8" and "Sooths Salva Finally Brought Relief. Dover. "In 1906, I began to be troubled with Eczema.

It started on my face and gradually spread. -The second summer, I was so badly afflictod I had to lay oft work. I Would keep my hands tied up at night to prevent digging my flesh while, asleep. I spent hundreds of dollars Is seeking relief. I would go for several months without trouble and then the Eczema would break out again and would be in for a siege of My hands, especially across the knuckles, could not do any Obstetrical work could not do any obstetrrieal work or operations "It was about -three months ago I chanced to read an- ad.

"of Fruit-a-tives' about a person being cured of Weeping Eczema by using this remedy, and 'Sootha Salva'. I bought both ana in about a w.ek, noticed an improvement. I have now used two boxes of 'Fruit-a-tives' and one 'Sootha Salva' ar.d am entirely free of Eczema. My flesh is clear and smooth and I am that gratified with the result that I cannot proclaim' too loudly the merits of these remedies." E. N.

OLZENDAM, D. V. M. Both remedies are sold at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50. At all dealers or sent postpaid by FRUIT-A-TIVES Limited, OGDENSBURG, N.

Y. Adv. house melted. The Rev. Leonard H.

Skelton, pas "Outside of a lit.tle blackening of tor, 78 Elmwood avenue. 10:30 a. nv Preaching services POTATOES with sermon by the pastor. Class meeting at 11:30. Sunday school will the partitions In the attics, no serious damage was done.

The firemen extinguished the blase with chemicals. Chief James Reedy answered the call although he ia on a two weeks' convene at noon. Young people's prayer band at 6:30 PER PECK p. m. The local power company has Preaching service at 7:30, The Supremacy of Obedience." suffered severely, three of the main circuits In the city having been cut down.

One wire at the corner df Meat Department Methodist Episcopal Church MAJESTIC THEATRE The GoWwyn Picture Company Presents JACK PICKFORD In the comedy drama of a man who found himself "A Double-Dyed Deceiver" From, one of 0. Henry's most popular stories Marguerite Courtot and George Chesboro in the third chapter of "Bound and Gagged." Special two reel Paramount Comedy "The-Quack Doctor." Monday and Tuesday A Paramount-Artcraft Super-Special John Barrymoro in Robert Louis Stevenson's world-famous drama of love and dual identity. State and Baxter street was hanging a. m. Morning worship.

The sutTJect of the sermon will be, "The perilously over the roadway but was quickly repaired by Foreman Bach-and who made a speedy trip by automobile to the scene. Heavy Western Western irrepressible call of the human heart' A A Veal Steak, to OOo Steak, lb 4UC pound. Round 7:30 p. m. Evening worship.

'The A wire Is broken near, the fair subject of the sermon will be, "Dream and Reality, or the Passing and the Permanent. grounds, cutting off all service south of that field. The ling from Rutland to Walllngford is commission owing to broken wires between Wal St. Paul's Church llngford and this city. The entire field force of the Rutland Railway Light and Power company is on duty making the many repairs necessary.

LEAGUE BASEBALL Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. 7:30. a. m. Holy Communion.

10 a. m. The summer school. 11 a. m.

Morning prayer and sermon: the Rev. A. Cyril Drumm. 7:30 p. m.

Evensong. Lamb Chops, yl A Veal Chops QQ pound pound OoC Spring Leg of Lamb, QQn Veal Steak, QQ pound pound OOC S.st.w.20c t0 27c, 40c 45c PEOPLES CASH MARKET, Cor. Monroe and Champlain Sts. Thone 771. FLETCHER.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde" All Saints' Chapel m. Holy Communion. Played by America's great 3t actor and notable all star cast 8 a. First Church of Christ, Scientist.

Services are held in Howard Relief nDPuniri tucatoit 230, Hall Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Sunday school at 2': 30. Wednesday evening llhiWIII I IlkaMI IVh Evening 7 an.J 8:49 service at 7:45 and the reading room. located across from the hall is open Enid Bennett "iSS "Stepping Out'' every afternoon from 1 30 to four and on Saurday evening from 7:30 to nine.

All are welcome. A Paramount Picture Comedy Comedy. THREE CHURCHES CLOSED The two Congregational and Uni 7th Episodo of Elmo the Fearless ith Elmo Lincoln. FLETCHER. Aug.

14. Sunday Aug. there was a Spaulding reunion at Metcalf Those present were Mrs. Abble Spaulding. Mr.

and Mrs. E. O. Spaulding and family, Mr. and Mrs.

C. H. Tinker and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.

E. Tinker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Coyt Tinker and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Cleon-Tinker and son, Mr. and Mrs. P. Davis of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs.

M. J. White and family of Jericho, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King of Fairfax, Miss Jessie Fulling-ton of New York and Frank Fulltnglon of Cambridge.

Among the gathering were twenty grand children and five great-grand-children of Mrs. Abbie Spaulding. A basket picnic was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs.

L. S. Carpenter and son Roger are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. M.

J. White and three daughters are visiting in town this week. S. H. Carpenter and Mrs.

A. H. Hooper, were in Burlington Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Clark and family have returne from a trip to points in Massachusetts. Mrs. Cleon Tinker and son Reginald are visiting Mrs. Tinker's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. S. White In tarian Churches are closed during August. W. C.

T. U. Tempi The Loyal Temperance Legion 69 CHURCH ST, will meet Sunday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock. All children up to 16 are cordialy invited. For That Moonlight Trip A Canoe.or Power Boats for pleasure or fishing.

CHIOTT'S' Foot of King St. NOTICE YESTERDAY'S GAMES National League At New York Brooklyn 4, New Tork 2. At Boston (First game) Philadelphia 8, Boston 2. (Second game) Boston 5, Philadelphia 2. At Pittsburg St.

Louis 4, Pittsburg i. (Other teams not scheduled). National League Standing Won Lost Pet Cincinnati y.69 44 .57 Brooklyn 47 .569 New York 57 48 .643 Pittsburg 53 60 .515 Chicago 54 67- .486 St. Louis 49 57 .462 Boston 45 54 .450 Philadelphia .....42 63 .400 National League Tcttsy Louis at Pittsburg. Cincinnati at Chicago.

Brooklyn at New York Philadelphia at Boston YESTERDAY'S GAME8 American League At Cleveland New York 4, Cleveland 3. At Boston (First game) Philadelphia 3. Boston 1. (Second game) Boston 7, Philadelphia 0. At Chocago Chicago 3, Detroit 3, (five Innings, rain).

American League Branding Won lit Cleveland 69 39 .639 Chicago 70 41 .631 New York 71 42 .629 St. Louis 52 63 .495 Boston 48 68 .453 46 58 .442 Detroit ,40 65 .381 Philadelphia ...35 75 .318 American League Today Bt. Louis at Cleveland. Chicago at Detroit. Boston at Philadelphia.

New York at Washington. -1? Fop Coon's Ice Cream 'Phone 722 or 723, All ordera for noon delivery must be in by 10 a. m. Night orders received up to 4-30 p. m.

Terms cash on delivery. Quart Bricks 80c, Pint Bricks 45. At the store 60c a quart, 30e Pint Sunday flavors. Frozen Pudding. Strawberry, Miple Nut, Chocolate, Neapolitan, Country Club, Trench Vanilla.

SPECIAL 8UNDAY BRICK PINEAPPLE AND FRENCH VANILLA. Top off a pleasant evening with a visit to Lediek's lee Cream Parlor. Ice Cream, Sodas, Cold Drinks, etc. Let our Candies make your leisure hours happy ones. Fresh Line of Dolly Varden Candies.

Try Dolly Varden Chocolate Cherries. LEDICK'S The Board of Fire Commissioners of the City of Burlington will receive bids for a 70 gallon triple combination pump. Said pump to comply with the rules -of the New England Fire Insurance exchange. All bids to be in the office of the clerk of the Eoard up to LEGAL NOTICES and including Saturday, August 21st, Redpath Chautauqua Tent South Union Street Foot of Bradley 1920. The right is reserved to reject TTTTC CirCXTTXT-' 4 The great farce cc Nothing But the Truth." Nine Metropolitan play- meuy, any or all bids.


E. MORGAN. Board of Fire Commissioners. C. D.

STOCKWELL, Clerk. ers G. A. Leddy and F. A.

Myrick. Props. en I L- 'Phone 722-723. MONDAY MORNING at 10:00. Lecture, "Art in Daily Life." Prof.

0. P. Fairfield. An every day discussion for every day folks. MONDAY AFTERNOON at Music lovers, attention.

Big musical concert by the KnighHUcGregor Company Knight McGregor has a baritone voice of unusually fine quality. He is assisted by Miss Margaret Whitaker, Violinist, and Miss Edna Wallace, Pianist v- E8TATE OF JAMES- 8. PIERSON, SOUTH BURLINGTON STATE OF VERMONT. District of Chittenden The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: To all persons interested in the estate of James S. Pierson late of South Burlington in said District, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS, said Court has assigned the 80th day of August next at 10 a.

(city time) for examining and allowing the account of the trustee of the trust estate' of said deceased, and ordered that public notice thereof be. given to all persons interested in said estate by publishing this order three weeks successively previous to the day assigned, in the Burlington Daily News a newspaper published at Burlington In said District. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear at the Probate Office in Burlington In said District, on the day assigned, then and there to contest the allowance of said account If you see cause. Given Under My Hand, this 11th day of August, 1920. 1 J.

H. MACOMBER, Judge. CAMBRIDGE. sida has been sold by the Lans real estate agency to L. R.

Weston who will take immediate possession, Mr. and Mis. C. 3. Lang ln company with Mr.

and Mrs. Georgei Oaines of Enosburg KalU started Wcdres-day a amor trip to severnl point! In Now Hampshire ar.d Massachusetts. Albert Holbrook of Be'videre Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Humphrey.

Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Lang and guests sQent trie day Wednesday at Smuggler's Notch.

Mrs. Newton and daughter Marjorle and Mrs. Vernon Torrance visited in Waterbury Wednesday. CAMBRIDGE, Aug. 14.

Harry Synor and wife and two children of Splngfleld. are visiting at Dr. W. N. Lang's.

Miss Rossle Chaylr with friends from Burlington have been spending a few days at the home of Miss, Kate Chayer. Chaun-ccy Chambeflin of Newport is visiting at H. K. Davis. Real Estate Agents Lang and Son have sold for HlIancT Leach his farm known as the Boomhower place to Fred Keser.

THE CHAMPLAIN TRANSPORTA. TION CO. Sunday Excursion To PLATTSBURG AUGUST 15, 1920. Steamer "Ticonderoga" "will leave wharf, foot of King street, at 9:30 a. m.t eastern standard (10:30 a.

daylight caving time), sailing direct to PlatUburg, arriving 11:00 a. m. Returning, leave Plattsburg 5:00 p. m. eastern standard tune (6:00 p.

m. daylight saving time), arriving Burlington 6:30 p. m. Excursionists will have about erx hours in Plattsburg for sight seeing. ROMEO ORCHESTRA Fare for round trip 75 cents (Including war tax.) Tickets purchased at office on wharf.


Man, Gen. Pass. Agt. FERRISBURG. NUBONE T.eok and Front soe Corsets, Mads to measurement.

Fitting guaranteed. Abdominal MRS. ANNA CHESMORE. Room 26, The "'rono. 'Phone 1455.

J. Burlington, Vt Honry LaBounty has returned to Massachusetts after spending several weeks In Cambridge and Flet' cher. Miss Hattio Hopkins went Wednesday to Burlington to spend a few days with Mrs. J. M.

Saftord. Mis Hersa Potter and brother of Belvldere visited their sister, Mrs. Clyde Humphrey Tuesday. Miss Maude GriSln and friends of New York city are enjoying a two weeks vacation with Miss Griffin's parents, and Mrs. F.

A. Plummer. The E. H. Linden house of River- 3442 Men i ulfliQeG Per Gallon1 A STOCK OVERLAND crossed the U.

S. A. in 179, hours. Averaged 27.2 miles per gallon. It was driven night and day over every kind of road by 25 different drivers who never before saw the car.

Overwhelming proof of Overland nimble stamina and extraordinary economy due to light weight alloy steel and Triplex Springs. FERRISBURH, Aug 14. Donald Sears is visiting at Mrs. Baird's. Mr, and Mrs.

Young and their daughter, Margarite, of New Tork city, are visiting her mother, Mrs. William Pecue. P. B. Gilbert and wife of Boston, are visiting her aunt, Mrs.

Dubuke, making the trip by auto. Mrs. Ursula Bard Is critcally ill. W. H.

Pecu was In Vergennes on business E. W. "Gillette was ln Vergennes Tuesday on business. Miss Antoinette St. Jean visited with Miss Helen Lee at Vergennes Tuesday.

Clarence Beach and wife, who have been visiting in town, have returned to their home ln Albany, N. Y. Milton Leonard of Florence, was a Sunday visitor in town. Miss Dorpthy Dubuke was in Rutland Wednesday, returning home Wednesday night. Ml'fs Cora Bard and her friend, Mrs.

Bowman, visited ln Florence on Thursday. Donald Sears who has been visiting Milton Leonard returned with them Thursday evening. Lackawanna! cott. Irving Plti is making extensive repairs on his Henry Washburn 'and sons are doing the work. Mrs.

Florence Richards is in Willlston dress making for this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Langley and the Misses Mary; and Eva Langley of ConcOrdfl, N. H.

visited their cousins, Mr. and D. J. Padrette, this week. Ester Pitts Is ill with tonsllltls, Dr.

Kenybn Is attending her. E. W. Rlchard" daughter Alice, who has been suffer-, ing from blood poison for two weeks Is improving after an operation last, week by Dr. Kenyon and Cobern.

Sfiss Lena Cadre tte was ln Westford last week Dressmaking for Miss Verna. Robinson. Mr. A. L.

Wheeler has returned from his farm in where he spent several days this weelf.i He took the trip by automobile. THE COLCHESTER. $985; Roadster, $985; Coupe, $1525; Sedan, $1575. Priess Co. b.

Toledo, subject to change without notice. OF YOUR LABOR should be sway for use when you will need them In busir.ess or to tide over some ram days. The young men who wastes those fruits will surely want soma day. THE HOME SAVINGS BANK is a rood Plftii in which to deposit part of your wages or salary. For there the dollars you vrorked for art made to work for yon.

Home Savings Bank Coal COLCHESTER, Aug. 14. Miss Ncl; lie Washburn of Milton has been the guest of her cousin Mrs. A. O.

Hul-burd and other relatives. Horace Richards Is working ln the Colchester Creamery. Miss Baker who has been spending several weeks ln Burlington, has returned to Merrltt Wright's at Malletts Bay. Mrs. Fied Andrews and daughter Helen, of Vsr-gennes, visited her uncle, J.

WoU To Stop Coughing, Sneezing, WhsTtzlngl Now comes the time, of hay -fever and asthma and many persona arf coughing, sneezing and wheeling. Takar! Foley's Honey sad TaPfo oughsW colds, hay fever, asthma and croup It heals and- soothes that raw; rasping; feeling In the throat, clears the pass-ages, makes, breathing easier. J. JVV p'SulUvan, 30 Church, St. AdTwyJ BRODE Cz MOLES 123-125-129 St.

Paul St, Burlington, Vt. QMS LYTlAJi COAL CO. BURLINGTON, VT. Phone M0 Vila an BurUngtoa, Vt,.

Burlington Daily News from Burlington, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.