Kale and Apple Dog Treat Recipe (2024)

Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe

Want to fill your home with the scents of apple, ginger, and cinnamon? Our Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe is better than a scented candle.

Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe

Looking to bake up an easy dog treat for your senior pooch? Then this Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe will be right up your alley.

Devilish Pumpkin And Apple Dog Treat Recipe

Feeling a bit naughty? Is your dog a little devil? Sometimes you have to let loose and let your inner devil come out… in the way of homemade dog treats! And even though our Devilish Pumpkin and Apple Dog Treats sound wicked, they’re really not. These nom noms are packed with goodness – pureed pumpkin is wonderful for your dog’s digestion, and a fresh apple is a good source of fiber as well as vitamin A and C.Devilish Pumpkin And Apple Dog Treat Recipe

Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe

Who doesn’t love soft and chewy cookies? Our senior dogs do, which is why we made this Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe.

Frozen Candy Corn Dog Treat Recipe

Feel that chill? No, that’s not spooky vibes, it’s because of our Frozen Candy Corn Dog Treat Recipe!

Study Shows Your Dog Is Listening to You Even When They’re Sleeping

For millennia, dogs have been our most loyal companions – naturally, this means that we’ve evolved together and that canines and humans share a special bond like no other. Not only that but they’ve also learned how to communicate with us without speaking, from using “ puppy eyes” to  tail wagging, and other body language that’s unique to their species. Their ability to understand us, too, never ceases to amaze us, and it has been further confirmed by a recent study by ethologists at the Hungarian Eötvös Loránd University.A  small pilot study that was conducted on 13 dogs revealed that even when in deep slumber, a dog’s brain can still light up in response to human voices and the sounds of other canines - just like when they are wide awake. Eötvös Loránd University’s ethologist Huba Eleőd says that “this finding is significant insofar as it is the first evidence of complex auditory processing during sleep in dogs.”To achieve the most accurate readings, the experts used special devices that measured the dogs’ “event-related potential brain wave responses”. In different stages of the testing, the dogs were presented with the voices while awake, drowsy, and fully asleep. Sounds lasted only for a second and included laughs, sighs, yawns, growls, and yelps. The sounds were carefully chosen so as not to startle the doggos awake. The results surprised everyone. Even when they were not in deep REM sleep, dogs could tell if a noise was coming from a human or a dog, and whether the “communication” was positive or not. Previously, such abilities were only seen in primates, including us humans. The only non-primates to display this ability were mice – and now, dogs as well. That primates possessed such an ability came as no surprise, as we spend plenty of time asleep, and having that ability ensured our continued survival. But dogs, dogs definitely surprised researchers!Luckily, modern studies allowed us to learn a lot of new things about dogs. Their sleep, for example, sheds a lot of light on how exactly they function. While snoozing, pooches process emotion and “consolidate” their memories. They can even dream as well! And now we know that they can hear us as well.While undoubtedly exciting, these findings are just the tip of the iceberg. Important research will continue in Hungary, in search of further similarities between canine and human sleep behavior. We can only eagerly wait to see what new discoveries are made in the coming months and years. 

Do Dogs Experience Grief?

Anyone who has ever shared their heart and home with a dog can attest to how deep the emotional connection we form with our best friends is. It is this bond that makes saying goodbye so difficult. But are we the only ones experiencing this pain?If you have recently experienced the passing of a pet or family member and noticed your dog acting a little differently, you may be wondering – Do dogs experience grief, too?In this article, we will dig into the truth about canine emotions and canine grief. This includes understanding what grief means to your dog, learning to recognize the signs that they may be mourning and tips for helping your best friend navigate this difficult time.Do Dogs Experience Grief or Mourning?The short answer is yes, dogs do grieve the loss of a person or animal in their lives. In a 2022 study led by Dr. Federica Pirrone, a veterinary physiologist at the University of Milan, 86% of dog owners reported that they saw a change in behavior in their surviving dog after losing a companion.Our dogs form close bonds with one another and with us. This can be seen both in wild dogs, with the relationships that exist between pack members, as well as the domesticated dogs of today.While they can’t tell us how they are feeling (although we wish they could), dog parents often witness physical and behavioral changes that indicate something is “off” for their dog following a loss. This occurs when a family member (human or pet) passes or even if a family member moves away like a child moving out of the family home.Recognizing that our dogs also go through a grieving process allows us to take steps to help our beloved furry friends deal with this difficult time.

The Season of Giving Begins With A Leap

We're excited to announce a special initiative in celebration of the season of thankfulness and November's Senior Pet Adoption Month. Starting today, Leap Years is offering a free bottle of its daily chewable supplement to anyone who adopts a senior dog (over 5 years old) from a shelter or rescue. All you need is proof of adoption, and while supplies last, your senior pup can start benefiting from Leap Years' formula that has already changed the lives of dogs across the country.

Enigmatic Respiratory Illness Targets Dogs – These Are The Symptoms

A mysterious and seemingly quite dangerous dog respiratory illness is spreading across the United States– and has veterinarians perplexed. This illness is compared to pneumonia, as it starts with coughing and gradually worsens. To make matters even worse, the illness seems to be resistant to common antibiotics.Officials are now releasing  statements that say dogs are most likely to contract this enigmatic illness directly through contact with other dogs. What this means is that the danger lurks in dog parks, grooming salons, kennels, and any other place where a lot of dogs can be found.While there are some enigmatic aspects to the disease, there are ways, luckily, to recognize it quickly. The most common symptoms to keep an eye out for are coughing, trouble breathing, wheezing, sneezing, nasal and eye discharge, fatigue, lethargy, and so on. According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, dogs who exhibit these symptoms may also test negative for common causes of respiratory illnesses. Needless to say, owners who spot these symptoms in their dogs should go to the vet immediately. In the meantime, vets are advising owners to avoid places with a lot of dogs for the time being, and also to make sure that their pets are “up to date” with all the necessary vaccinations. And although it is a new illness, officials at the Oregon Department of Agriculture have said that three main categories of cases can already be observed.Chronic mild-moderate tracheobronchitis with a prolonged duration (6 to 8 weeks or longer) that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics. Chronic pneumonia that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics.Acute pneumonia rapidly becomes severe and often leads to poor outcomes in as little as 24-36 hours.Checkups are advised, of course, and vets urge owners to schedule visits before exposing their dogs to potentially dangerous environments. According to officials, the illness had been reported in the following U.S. states: Washington, Idaho, Illinois, California, Indiana, Florida, Georgia, Colorado, Oregon, and New Hampshire.“Reduce contact with large numbers of unknown dogs.” the officials advise. “Just like with other respiratory pathogens, the more contacts your dog has, the greater the risk of encountering a dog that’s infectious.”While experts advise dog owners to be careful, but not to worry too much without a reason. Needless to say, you should avoid contact with dogs that look sick or exhibit symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or runny nose and eyes. Do your best to keep your dog away from them. Another thing to avoid is communal water sources from which many dogs drink. And if your four-legged friend exhibits these symptoms, make sure to keep them at home in order to keep other dogs safe – and of course contact a vet to make sure they get the right treatment on time.

Study Finds Link Between Having a Dog and Girls' Physical Activity

A new study finds that having a furry companion at home could help promote healthy physical activity in children, especially young girls. According to research from the Telethon Kids Institute in Australia, getting a new dog or losing a furry companion is linked with a child’s level of physical activity. This new research shows that having a dog could help promote healthy movement behavior in children. The study's lead researcher, Emma Adams, highlights the positive influence of dog ownership on children’s activity levels, pointing to potential benefits that start from early childhood.“We saw a significant jump in daily physical activity in children whose families acquired a dog over the study period, while those whose families experienced the loss of a dog recorded a steep drop-off in activity,” added Adams.The research teams from Telethon Institute and the University of Western Australia followed 600 children aged between two and seven years old, over a three-year period to determine the impact dog ownership (or loss) has on physical activity levels.The results showed that getting a dog or losing a family companion is associated with significant changes in children’s activity levels. Surprisingly, young girls showed the most significant response.“The results were particularly noticeable in girls, with girls who acquired a dog increasing their light intensity activity and games by almost an hour a day (52 minutes).”“On the flipside, there was a marked drop in light intensity activity and games in girls who experienced the loss of a dog, with their activity dropping by 62 minutes a day,” said Adams according to Independant. Children wore accelerometers during waking hours for seven days at a time to measure sedentary time, screen time, and physical activity. Parents were also asked about their childrens’ activity levels. Half of the children participating in the study didn’t own a dog at any point during the study period, 204 children had a dog for the entire three years, 58 got a dog during the study period, and 31 children lost their furry companion during the course of the study.Data showed that girls who got a dog increased their light intensity activities and games by almost an hour a day (52 minutes). At the same time, girls who lost a dog experienced a decrease of 62 minutes a day in the same activities. Researchers observed that unstructured physical activity, such as walking with the dog or playing in the garden saw an increase for both boys and girls who got a dog during the study. “If we excluded dog walking and playing, there were no changes in the unstructured physical activity, so we could see the changes in physical activity were actually from the addition of those dog-related activities,” said Adams. On the other hand, children who lost their dog decreased their unstructured physical activity by 10.2 sessions a week for girls and 7.7 sessions for boys. “Regular physical activity from an early age is essential for children’s physical and mental health development, but few children or adolescents are meeting recommended daily levels. Our findings indicate that having a dog in the family could help promote healthy movement behaviors in children and reduce their short- and long-term risk of chronic disease.”Although this study discovered a positive link between dog ownership and increased physical activity Adams stresses that it’s not a call for everyone to get a dog. “It’s important to note that we’re not telling families to just go out and get a dog - having a dog comes with many responsibilities and won’t be right for everyone.”Instead, this study encourages dog owners to use canine companionship to increase physical activity. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

How Much Outdoor Time Does My Dog Need?

Spending time outside is very important for overall physical and mental health, both for humans and animals alike. Our pets, dogs especially, can be quite dependent on the time they spend outdoors. It helps stimulate them, keep them mobile and active, and also helps them spend all that extra energy they have stored which in turn impacts their behavior for the better. But as it is with everything in life, there is always too little and too much of a good thing. So in the end, it does make you wonder – just how much outdoor time does your dog need? And, can you really overdo it? Let’s find out!How Much Outdoor Time Does My Dog Need?The amount of outdoor time your dog needs can vary based on factors such as their breed, age, health, and individual preferences of your dog. It can’t really be the exact same for all dogs out there. Just like humans, some pooches have preferences of their own. Some love to snooze and relax, and aren’t really fans of going outside and zooming about. Others, however, can’t get enough of adventures in the great outdoors. Still, in general, all dogs require at least a small amount of daily outdoor exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. With that in mind, these are some main factors that could influence the amount of time your pet needs to spend outside of the house:BreedDifferent breeds have different energy levels and exercise requirements. High-energy breeds like Border Collies or Labrador Retrievers may need more outdoor time compared to lower-energy breeds like Bulldogs or Basset Hounds. As you get to know your pet and the specifics of their breed, this too will become apparent. AgeAge plays a major role in dog energy levels. Puppies generally have more energy and may require several short play and exercise sessions throughout the day. Adult dogs on the other hand usually need at least 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise per day, depending on the breed and individual needs, whereas seniors usually don’t have as much energy so one walk a day will do just fine for a pooch in his golden years.HealthDogs with certain health issues may have specific exercise restrictions. Consult with your veterinarian to determine an appropriate exercise plan for a dog with health concerns. Don’t overdo it with your dog, if the vet prohibits it. The same goes for seniors, who can’t really play all that much outside. SizeDog size is a big factor in determining energy levels and the need for outdoor fun. Smaller breeds may get sufficient exercise with a shorter walk or playtime, while larger breeds might need longer and more vigorous activities.Individual PreferencesSome dogs are more active and enjoy activities like fetching, running, or hiking, while others may be content with a shorter walk or playtime in the yard. On the other hand, some breeds, due to their inherent traits, might love relaxing outside, even when it's chilly. Others, though, will love the warmth and coziness found indoors. 

Study Finds Pet Parents Care More About Their Dogs Than Their Cats

Pet parents tend to place themselves into one of two categories. You can either be a dog person or a cat person - there’s nothing in between. This may come as a shock to all cat lovers, but scientists have found that dog owners care more for their dogs than cat owners care for their cats. At least that’s the case with pet owners across Denmark, Austria, and the United Kingdom.Although these findings have been observed in older studies, veterinary scientists from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, wanted to find out whether cultural factors had any effect on the results. Their results were first published in the Journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science. “We and others have found that people are willing to spend much less on their cats than on their dogs,” said Peter Sandøe, professor at the University of Copenhagen and the study’s lead author. “We wanted to find out whether cats could eventually end up having the same high status as dogs do today.”The scientists surveyed 2,117 pet owners, including 844 dog owners, 872 cat owners, and 401 owners who owned both cats and dogs. Participants were asked questions about their pets’ health insurance, their willingness to pay for life-saving medical treatment, and other questions designed to determine how much owners care for their pets. Pet owners from all three countries had a higher attachment score for dogs than for cats. Dog owners were more likely to buy insurance for their dogs, and said they were willing to spend more for life-saving treatment for their dogs. However, the results of the study varied greatly across the countries. The differences were most noticeable in Denmark, where 41% of dog owners said they were willing to pay a high cost of life-saving medical treatment for their dogs compared to 26% of cat owners. On the other hand, the United Kingdom’s results were in favor of dogs, but only slightly. Around 34% of dog owners in the UK said they would pay more for their dogs’ medical treatment compared to 28% of cat owners. According to scientists, such a slight difference isn’t statistically significant. ‘While people care more about their dogs than their cats in all countries, the degree of difference varied dramatically between countries,” said Sandøe. The researchers originally hypothesized that people in Denmark might be more unaccustomed with cats living indoors than people living in Austria and the United Kingdom since Denmark became urbanized much later than these two countries. Thanks to a much more recent rural history, cats in Denmark might be seen as just another farm animal.According to researchers, several studies hypothesize that when cats are more likely to spend time indoors, they tend to become much closer to their owners, who consequently care more about them. This was confirmed by studies in the U.S. and Mexico, where many cats are indoors-only felines.So it comes as no surprise that in Denmark, where just one out of five cats is kept strictly indoors and many have outdoor access, most pet owners care less about cats. Researchers think that pet owners’ level of care for their pets may depend on the level of interaction and dependence, as well as other factors. "There seems to be no natural limit to how much people will end up caring about their cats compared to their dogs,” said Sandøe. “The British are often portrayed as a nation of cat lovers, which is certainly confirmed by our study. The Danes have a long way to go, but they may eventually get there.”Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Is a Cat Tree Necessary for My Cat?

When you first bring home a new cat, it’s an exciting time – especially if you’re a first-time cat parent. However, amidst the excitement, there are many questions that may be holding you back from fully embracing the joy. Are you prepared to meet all your cat’s needs? Are there “must-have” items you have overlooked? The struggle is real! We have good news… Many of the items that are deemed “necessary” are actually optional. One such item is the traditional cat tree or cat scratcher. Do they offer benefits? Yes! Can they help to improve your cat’s mental and physical health? Yes! But is a cat tree necessary for your cat? No, it’s not. There are other ways you can meet your cat’s needs if your budget or space doesn’t allow for a large piece of cat furniture. Let’s dig into the truth about cat trees and your cat. What is the Point of Cat Trees? If you’re currently standing in your local pet store, looking over the wide assortment of cat furniture available, you may wonder – what exactly is the purpose of cat furniture? Is it just a fancy bed solution for your cat, or are there other considerations when these products are developed? It’s an honest question I often hear from first-time cat parents. After all, these large, elaborate structures often come with a hefty price tag. If they do nothing more than provide a place to sleep, wouldn’t a simple cat bed suffice? Cat furniture is designed to meet many of your cat’s instincts, including their need to scratch, hide, climb, and oversee their surroundings. Each type of cat furniture has its benefits to consider.

Here Are the 10 Rarest Dog Breeds in America

Dogs are the most popular pets in America – deservingly, they are the most loved and affectionate furry friends, and their popularity as family companions never wanes. We all know what are the most popular dog breeds – and which evergreen breeds have been stealing hearts for decades back, but how about those lesser-known breeds? Which in particular are the rarest among them? Even if touting great qualities, some of these super rare breeds are simply hard to come by, and they are seldom seen. Thanks to a survey conducted by the American Kennel Club ( AKC), we can now find out which dog breeds are as obscure as can be. Out of a list of 199 registered and accepted breeds, the AKC revealed the 10 rarest dog breeds in America. 10.  Pyrenean Shepherd9.  Cesky Terrier8.  Sussex Spaniel7.  Harrier6.  Azawakh5.  Belgian Laekenois4.  American Foxhound3.  Sloughi2.  Norwegian Lundehund1.  English FoxhoundDon’t be surprised if you have never heard of some of these unique breeds. They are rare for a reason! On the other side of the spectrum, looking at the most recent trends, the French Bulldog holds the number one spot as the most popular pet dog breed in America, with the Labrador and Golden Retrievers following close by. That’s a bit of a change, as the Golden Retriever long held the number one spot. Generally speaking, most people tend to go for more known and traditional dog breeds when looking for a purebred dog, but the world of canines is much more diverse, with plenty of unusual and amazing breeds to choose from.Ultimately, the popularity of a certain breed should not be connected with their suitability as pets. After all, many factors contribute to that – a great deal of pet parents, myself included, are proud to share their lives with a mixed breed pooch and the fact that they’re not a certain breed doesn’t make them any less perfect. Your four-legged bestie might be a more popular dog breed, a rare purebred, a hybrid designer dog breed, or a cute mutt – they’ll steal your heart either way!

Hypothermia in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

When a dog gets too cold, they’re at risk of hypothermia. But what is hypothermia, what are its symptoms, and what can be done to treat it? Below is a brief guide to dog hypothermia so you can have a better understanding of this condition and why it’s so important to prevent it.What Is Hypothermia in Dogs?Hypothermia develops when a dog’s body temperature drops to 99°F (37.2°C) or lower. A dog’s normal body temperature range is 99.5-102.5°F (37.5-39.2°C).There are three levels of hypothermia: mild, moderate, and severe.Mild hypothermia occurs when a dog’s body temperature is between 90-99°F (32.2-37.2°C).Moderate hypothermia develops when the dog’s body temperature falls even more, to 82-90°F (27.8-32.2°C).Severe hypothermia develops when the dog’s body temperature falls below 82°F (27.8°C).Giving a dog the right treatment to bring their temperature back up is critical, as hypothermia can cause damage to organs, and it could be fatal.  Some dogs may be at greater risk of hypothermia. Puppies, seniors, and dogs who are thin or small are a few examples. Dogs who are ill, including those with chronic conditions, can also be more susceptible. Also, hairless dogs and those with short coats are other examples.What Causes Hypothermia in Dogs?Dogs who are in the cold for too long are at risk of hypothermia. And if they get wet, their body temperature can drop more rapidly. Never leave a dog outside when it’s too cold or windy, or when it’s raining or snowing.It doesn’t have to be extremely cold for dogs to feel the effects either, as a temperature less than 45°F (7.2°C) could put some dogs at risk. Before going outside with your dog, check the wind chill, too, as this will give you a better idea of what it actually feels like out there, and what the risk of frostbite and hypothermia really is.    Also, certain medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism and shock, could increase a dog’s risk of hypothermia.Symptoms of Hypothermia in DogsAs a dog starts to feel cold, they’ll exhibit changes in behavior. Warming them up right away can prevent them from getting even colder. If hypothermia continues to set in, the situation will become more dire as the symptoms progress.Here are some of the symptoms to watch out for:Mild hypothermia may cause a dog to shiver and experience weakness. They may also be less alert, and may try to find ways to stay warm, such as curling in a ball. If you were to feel the dog’s skin, ears, paws, legs, and tail, they may be cold to the touch.Moderate hypothermia may cause the breathing to become shallow and slow, and the muscles may become stiff, resulting in difficulty moving. The blood pressure may drop, and the dog may be even more lethargic and confused. If you were to check the gums, they may be pale.  Severe hypothermia may cause the pupils to become fixed and dilated, and a dog may have trouble breathing. They may not be as responsive, or they may become unresponsive. Also, they may not be shivering anymore. Collapse and coma may occur.How to Help a Hypothermic DogThe symptoms of hypothermia must be taken seriously. Contact your veterinarian even if you think your dog might only have mild hypothermia, as they can provide guidance on what to do, and they might advise bringing your dog in to be examined and treated.In cases of severe hypothermia, a veterinarian will need to treat your dog, so don’t try to fix this problem yourself.Here are a few steps you can take if your dog has mild hypothermia (again, talk to your vet first to be sure you’re taking the right steps and you can treat this at home):Dry your dog if they’re wet. Bring them to a warm area of your home, such as near a heat source. Wrap them in a blanket—you could even warm it up in the dryer first. Use products like the PetFusion Microplush Quilted Pet Blanket, which is super soft and has a light fill that provides more warmth.

Bella the Cat Breaks the Guinness World Record for Loudest Purr

A 14-year-old cat from Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK has broken the Guinness World Record for the loudest purr by a domestic cat (living). Bella produced a purr measuring 54.59 decibels. To give you a better picture, Bella’s purr was as loud as the sound of a boiling kettle and almost as loud as the sound of a washing machine.Bella’s owner, Nicole Spink, explained to Guinness World Records that her cat’s special talent comes naturally: “She purrs all day long. If there’s food around or cuddles, she always purrs.”“Also when watching TV - she likes to be loud with television. My late husband used to always moan about the sound of her purr blocking the sound of the TV in the evenings.”The Spink family has always known that there’s something special about Bella’s purr. “Friends and family always notice Bella’s loud purr, everyone comments ‘what’s that loud noise? Oh, it’s the cat’. It’s just Bella being happy!”One day, while leafing through the Guinness World Record book, Ms Spink and her daughter decided to perform a test. They downloaded a phone app that recorded and measured Bella’s purr, confirming their suspicions.An app can be a good indicator of a purr’s sound level, but a sound engineer is the only person who can measure it correctly. When the day of the official attempt came, Ms Spink was nervous that Bella wouldn’t want to purr. “She’s a stubborn little old lady and she does how she pleases. It’s very much Queen Bella’s world.”Bella’s record-breaking attempt was overseen by Dave Willson, the Official Guinness World Records adjudicator. “It’s always an exciting day when there is the potential for a new record, so we waited in anticipation to see whether Bella would be able to do it.”Mr Wilson and an independent sound engineer prepared the room in Spink’s family home to block out external noises and set up recording devices. The sound level meter used was kept at a one-meter distance from Bella, as well as a one-meter distance from the ground, following certified instructions. To beat the previous world record, Bella had to purr louder than 50 decibels. According to Mr Wilson, “the results were immediately obvious.”It seems that food might be the reason Bella purrs so loudly. When talking about the record-breaking attempt Ms. Spink said: “I fed her a bowl of Whiskas and then brought her into the room, laid her in her bed and she started purring, just like that!”As you can see, Bella is extremely motivated by food. According to her owner, Bella purrs loudly every time there’s a bowl of food in front of her. Despite her advanced age, Bella sprints to her bowl as soon as she sees a package of her food. A typical day in Bella’s life revolves around three things - food, sleep, and cuddles. Bella will wake up in my bed, she always wakes me up early and asks for her food. Then she’ll ask my kids or anyone else who comes into the house for more food. Then she will sleep, and then she’ll want more food and cuddles. Food and sleep is pretty much her life!”And that’s what you call a purrfect life!While Bella’s 54.59-decibel purr was loud enough to break the world record for a living cat, the record for the loudest purr ever belongs to two other cats - Merlin and Smokey. In 2011, a Northampton cat, Smokey, owned by Lucinda Ruth Adams, was recorded purring at a shocking noise level of 67 decibels. That’s more than 13 decibels louder than Bella’s record-breaking purr. Five years later, Smokey’s record was equated by Merlin, owned by Tracy Westwood in Devon. Smokey and Merlin are still co-holders of the record for the loudest purr by a domestic cat. 

Dogs Trained to Detect Ancient Remains Expedite Search for Graves

Canada’s recent discovery of hundreds of tiny unmarked graves attributed to the residential school system has created not only cross-country outrage but also a determination to locate and repatriate the remains of all children who left home to attend these schools but never returned.Within a few weeks, the number of unmarked graves throughout Canada had quickly grown to over 10,000 and the ability to locate and identify additional sites (that would date back decades), had become almost impossible. Particularly since many of the schools had since been razed and pinpointing potential burial areas leaned heavily toward guesswork.The search had to be done respectfully – meaning without the use of large, excavation equipment – however, the need to cover a vast range of land in a timely manner was a challenge.That’s when the search teams decided to bring in the dogs.Part of the Ottawa Valley Search and Rescue Dog Association, German Shepherds, Recce and Taz are proficient in detecting older, archeological remains with drill work that has included using older cemeteries as their training ground. In fact, Historic Human Remains Detection Dogs have been used throughout North America and Europe to identify human remains in archaeological sites that date back hundreds of years… and longer. These dogs can pick up on the much lower scent levels that come from teeth and bones found in ancient graves… and some are even explicitly trained to detect cremated remains where no bones or teeth remain.This switch from bulldozers to the canine duo is a change welcomed by the area’s former residential school students who feel that because dogs have always been part of the Indigenous culture, they offer a natural, more appropriate approach to finding the missing children.According to Archaeology Professor Adrian Burke, dogs make a great option because they are non-invasive. Although it’s not an exact science – they can’t pinpoint an individual grave - they can hone in on a location and this saves time and the need for random digging. Once dogs flag a site, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is used to confirm what lies beneath.By adding Recce and Taz to the search teams, it’s estimated the time needed to cover a couple of acres can be reduced from a few weeks to just a couple of days.While the process is still slow and time-consuming, Indigenous residents confirm it’s about the children’s families understanding what happened to their little ones, being able to bring them home for appropriate burial, and ultimately experiencing a sense of closure and justice.

Canadian Dog Dacquri Claims New World Record

Do you have a dog that loves to play with socks? Does your dog steal your socks from the laundry basket or even right off your feet? While many dog parents will view that as troublesome behavior, one family recognized that a dog’s love for removing socks might be a golden ticket to something more. Daiquiri, an Australian Shepherd from Canada, recently claimed a new world record after successfully removing the most socks from people’s feet in a minute. The adorable record attempt was held on the set of the TV series Lo Show Dei Record in Italy. Here, Daiquiri went person to person, removing 21 socks from the feet of 11 women as they sat in a row in front of him. He was given three attempts at beating the record previously held by Lilu and Briana from California (20 socks). His owner, Jennifer Fraser, wasn’t allowed to touch the pup at any point during the attempts, but she could guide and encourage him through the process. On his first try, Daiquiri tied the existing record. On his second try, he beat it by a single sock!

Kale and Apple Dog Treat Recipe (2024)


How to make kale for dogs? ›

Raw, uncooked kale is fine for dogs to eat, but steaming or blanching it may make it easier for them to digest. Remove the stems, chop into small pieces, and add a small amount of plain cooked or raw kale to their regular food dish for a boost of fiber and nutrients.

How to calculate guaranteed analysis for homemade dog treats? ›


Once you can calculate dry matter, you can figure out the exact percentage of protein, fat, and fiber contained in the product using these formulas: True protein = Crude protein ÷ dry matter x 100. True fat = crude fat ÷ dry matter x 100. True fiber = crude fiber ÷ dry matter x 100.

How do you make a good dog treat? ›

Dogs love the combination of peanut butter and bananas, and these treats are a perfect blend of both. Mash up a ripe banana, mix it with a spoonful of peanut butter, and add some oats for texture. Shape the mixture into small balls and bake until golden brown. Your pup won't be able to resist these drool-worthy treats!

How to make high value dog treats at home? ›

How to:
  1. Preheat your oven to 170°C.
  2. Puree the whole eggs with tuna(and water from the can) in the food processor.
  3. Mix eggs and tuna with the dry ingredients. ...
  4. Pour the mixture into the baking moulds.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown and firm.
  6. Let the dog treats cool before it's time for dog training.
Mar 30, 2024

Do you cook kale for dogs? ›

While dogs can eat kale cooked and raw, cooked kale is much easier for them to digest. When it comes to switching things up and adding more fibre to your dog's diet, it's a good idea to avoid making any sudden changes – unless, of course, they suffer with a food allergy or intolerance.

Why is my dog sick after eating kale? ›

Kale can cause medical problems for dogs. The leafy green contains several potentially harmful natural compounds, including calcium oxalate and isothiocyanates. Calcium oxalate can cause health issues such as kidney and bladder stones.

Do homemade dog treats need to be FDA approved? ›

There is no requirement that pet food products have premarket approval by the FDA. However, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) requires that pet foods, like human foods, be safe to eat, produced under sanitary conditions, contain no harmful substances, and be truthfully labeled.

What is the 25% rule in dog food? ›

The 25% Rule

The named ingredient(s) must comprise at least 10% of the total product by weight and at least 25% of the product by weight not including the added water. Additional descriptors, such as “dinner,” “entrée,” “platter” and so on, appear in the name.

What is the correct ratio for homemade dog food? ›

The general rule of thumb for a home-made diet for a healthy canine patient is 75% meat/15%vegetables/10% carbohydrate. Variety is the key to a healthy diet so be sure to vary your meat, carbohydrate and vegetable sources from time to time.

What flour is best for dog treats? ›

Whole wheat flour: is packed with fiber, and protein, and is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin E, copper, iron, manganese, and selenium. You could alternatively substitute this with oat flour or another dog-safe flour.

Can I use regular flour for dog treats? ›

Bleaching doesn't do anything to improve the quality of the flour for your dog, so if you're going to buy all purpose flour, definitely go for the unbleached kind. In general, we recommend staying away from all purpose flour for your dog.

How much can I sell homemade dog treats for? ›

So, how much should I charge for homemade dog treats? Homemade dog treats sell for between $15 and $25. They should be priced based on how much it costs you to produce them including the ingredients, packaging, and other selling fees. There should be a minimum of 30% profit margin on homemade dog treats.

How do you make irresistible dog treats? ›

Peanut butter dog treats with honey

Combine whole wheat flour, peanut butter, honey, an egg, baking powder and some water. Roll out the dough, cut cookies and bake for 20 minutes.

What are the most irresistible dog treats? ›

Try the following options:
  • Small pieces of hot dog.
  • Small pieces of cheese.
  • Shredded, boiled chicken.
  • Cut up anchovies.
  • Cut up sardines.
Feb 8, 2024

How do you make greens for dogs? ›

Start with small pieces. Don't jump into offering your dog a bowl of fresh spinach greens or a heaping scoop of broccoli. Instead, make sure you're offering a small amount of the new veggie according to your dog's size. Sometimes it helps to finely chop the new food and mix it in with their bowl of food.

Should you steam or boil kale? ›

Boiling reduces kale's bitterness and allows its natural sweetness to shine, so keep the seasoning light and fresh. Boiled kale is like a blank canvas for flavor, so it's great to add into other dishes, without overpowering other ingredients.

Can dogs eat raw kale stems? ›

Yes, raw kale is safe for dogs to eat, but it's more difficult for them to digest compared to cooked kale. If your dog has a sensitive stomach you might find that raw kale gives them some tummy trouble and gas.

Can dogs eat cooked kale and spinach? ›

A good rule for finding leafy greens that your dog can eat is to stick to those that you would consume. Lettuce, spinach, chard, cabbage and kale are all okay for dogs. Besides being rich in vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, iron and potassium, leafy greens are also a good source of fiber.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.