Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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Owensboro, Kentucky

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THE OWENSBORO KY THURSDAY AUGUST 14 1947 Relief rom Heat Promised (Continued Irani page One) tures were forecast for a wide sec tion of the Midwest today partic ularly the northern section They were moving eastward the DR HELTSLEY OPTOMETRIST EYES tXAMIMD GLASSES ITTED 121 IV 2nd St Phone 837 Residence Ph 2993 Office Closed Thursday or Your PLUMBING AND GAS APPLIANCES CLYDE MUDD Plumbing Gas Appliance Store 800 West 2nd Phone 2508 bureau said across Northern Illi nois and Northern Indiana and would extend southward tonight with the wind swinging around from the northwest There were reports of scattered soaking rains in some localities the forecaster said notably in ex treme Southern Kansas the Okla homa and Texas Panhandles Southeastern Colorado and in Northern Michigan and Wisconsin The corn belt generally was re ported as still needing moisture however or the northeastern and Middle Atlantic states where some work ers left or were sent home from their jobs Wednesday because of the heat continued temperatures in the high 90's were forecast for today The Gulf states also would remain warm and humid the weather bureau said IN ATEMORMM Tn memory of my husband John Vanover who departed this life 2 years ago today August 14 1945 (Signed) WIE AND CHILDREN DAWSON NO 6 VEIN STOKER COAL STEELE 1222 East ourth St Phone 1102 PAUL'S RADIO SERVICE PHONE no or guaranteed Repairs on Home and Auto Radios GENERAL TRUCK REPAIRING Painting Welding Washing Greasing Con Arrange for Night ECK MILLER TRANSER CO 421 2nd St Phone 25 WRINGER ROLLS OR ALL MAKES Rebuilding a specialty Guaranteed workmanship Complete stork of genuine Maytag parts MAYTAG OWENSBORO CO 215 Main Phone 322 I NEXT TIME Try "Owensboro's Oldest Transfer" PHONE 3616 CITY TRANSER CO Incorporated PLAY SAE Insure Your Automobile LANAGAN INSURANCE AGENCY 201 Masonic Bldg Phone 2495 OWEN RADIO ELECTRIC CO RADIO SALES AND SERVICE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 107 14th St Phone 1958 NOTICE! PHILLIPS GROCERY Gas Troubles or the best in GAS ENGINEERING and APPLIANCE SERVICES elmo McAuliffe Phone 553 or 3158 Night 511 St Ann Street Location 1025 West 4th Street Phone 414 resh Meats and Groceries Your Business Appreciated! (Buster) and (Pot) Phillips New Economy! New Performance! With a Brand New ENGINE We have them in stock for Chrys lers Plymouths Dodges Dodge Trucks and DeSotos 1935 to 1 947 models Chrysler radios and heaters for the above cars GIPE PAYNE MOTOR CO Incorporated Chrysler GMC Truck Plymouth 715 4th Phone 1527 OR SALE Small balance Weikel farm Igleheart farm 1636 Ohio St 1721 9th St 1801 3rd St 30 acres on East Highway 60 One on Clay St 71 acre farm well improved near Dermot We write all kinds of insurance 1938 Phones 1047 A VITTITOW (0 Owensboro Ky Don't Wait Act Now Arrange to have your heat ing plant checked and cleaned now to avoid the all rush If you are planning on heat ing with gas see us about our complete line of gas heating equipment and have it installed now W'e stock a complete line of Bryant gas heating equip ment Sunbeam coal fired furnaces Storm King coal fired furnaces and blowers We offer complete servic ing of all type heating plants ORD McCORMICK PLBG HTG CO 215 9th St Phone 205 LOCAL DASHES Double Cola The Mercer Studio Skelgas Clyde Mudd Brakes Gene Jimmie Inc Zippo Elite Cigar Co and blue repairs Pardon Cleaners rihone 113 A Cornell But Gas Phone Habit 2712 Harris will be out of his office until August 18 Canning peaches for sale Allan Reid Jr Reid road 1612 Cornelia murphy shop Closed until Monday morning August 18 Jimmies Place Stanley Ky will be closed from August 18 to August 25 service Anywhere anytime Halcy McGlnnls uneral Home Incorporated Call 203G to Mr and Mrs Marion Coomcs Whitesville August 12 a son Lowell Hugh Dr I Collier Chiropractor has opened his new office at 1104 Werner Ave 406 Boro to Mr and Mrs Carl ton Miller Maceo Route I August 13 a son Born to Mr and Mi's Ollis Heath Livermore August 14 a daughter Doris Lowe Dcanfield Ky who has been ill at the Owensboro Daviess County hospital has re turned home Born to Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Pierce 1703 East Twenty sec ond street August 13 a daughter Mary Jo Dora Cooper 817 East Sev enth street has entered the Ow ensboro Daviess County hospital for treatment Born to Mr and Mrs Gene Rightmyer al the Owensboro Da viess County hospital August 3 a daughter Lucretia Ann Mrs Thompson 1900 Alexander avenue who underwent an operation at the Owensboro Da viess County hospital August 2 has been removed to her home and is doing well Coy Crabtree Owensboro Route 5 who was injured recently in an automobile wreck has been re moved to the Veterans hospital Louisville for treatment Salt water freezes at 286 degrees ahrenheit HARDIN KENTUCKY CONVALESCENT HOME or invalids nervous aged and incurable patients 24 hr nursing AT 525 MAIN STREET ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING MACHINE 5 Til 'mm SPECIAL! 30 and 40 Gallon RANGE BOILERS Bath Tubs Stokers Gas Burners Oil Burners Owensboro Plumbing Healing Co 123 rederica Phone 678 I DR RANK PARDON I OPTOMETRIST 210 West 3rd St Phone 264 1 GLA5SES Otc Per Machine $100 3 OR LAUNDERETTE 14th Daviess Phone 3566 CSUTHERLANO 14fh and 2nd anJ rederica TOUR RELIABLE GROCERS OR THE PAST 18 YEARS St Elizabeth SUGAR 100 $909 LOUR 25 $151 VINEGAR 20 LARD 4 Lb Bucket MUTTON BACON HEAVY SIDE lh MOPS OLD TIME WHITE OXYDOL or DUZ NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Air Reduction 2934 Al Chcm Ar Dye 188 American Can 88 Am Car dy 49 Am Rolling Mill 32 Am Smelt Am Tel A Tel 1564 Am Tobacco Anaconda 362 Atrh Ar 8 85 Aviation Corp 5 Barnsdall Oil 28 Bendix Aviation 31 Beth Steel 888 Boeing Airplane 17 Briggs Mfg 344 Ches Ohio 47 Chrysler Corp 59 Coca Cola xx Columbia A 1 Ill Corn Products fin Curtiss Wright 4 J) Douglas Aircralt 57 DuPont Dp 8'J El AULO Lite General Electric 3634 General oods 39 General Motors 5938 Goodrich 51 Goodyear 4478 Grevhnund Corn 1 0 1 Illinois Central 25 Int Harvester 864 Tut Nickel Cun 29Jn Kennecott Cop 44 Vi Lig Ar Myers 85 Lorillard' Louisv xx Louisv Nash 454 Martin (G Li Co 16'11 Montgom Ward 59 Nat Biscuit 31 '2 No Am Aviation 7 Nor Pacific 2O5 Ohio Oil 2534 Packard Motor 5 Param Pictures 34 Penney (J Ci 45 Penn 19 Pcpsi Cola 31 Philip Morris 30 Phillips Pet 57 Procter A' Clam 65 Pullman 563r Pure Oil 26 Republic Steel 26 Reynolds Tob 404 Sears Roebuck 39 Socony Vacuum 16 So'east Greyh 19 Sou Pacific 4334 Southern Ry 38 Sperry Corp 19 Stand Oil Ind 404 Stand Oil 77 Texas Co 63 Timkcn Dct Axle 17 I Union Carbide 106 Union Pacific 143 Untied Aircraft 19 Rubber 46 Steel 72 West Union Tel 22 Westing Elec 284 Woolworth 1 W) LOSE CURB Cities Service 36 Humble Oil 69 Pennroad 6 Stand Oil Ky xx No sales made OWENSBORO GRAIN MARKET Repotted by Owensboro Milling Co Wheat $227 OWENSBORO SOYBEAN MARKET Soybeans No 2 yellow basis of 14 per cent moisture $3 00 delivered No 2 black basis of 14 per cent moisture $270 delivered OWENSBORO MARKET Produce: Reported by Dahl roc zinger resh unsalted hides 8(x 10c salted cured 10 12c lb wild ginseng $2(a250 lb tnayapple 8 10c lb LOUISVILLE PRODUCE Louisville Ky Louisville deal ers buying prices averaged by mem bers of the Louisville Mercantile Ex change follow: Current receipts 55 lbs up 35 standards 38 extras 45 small eggs 25 Broilers 2 lbs up 31 hens 5 lbs up 23: Leghorn hens 15 old roosters 10 stags 10: geese 8 lbs 10 guineas eacn told) 50 Young toms 12 lbs up 22 young OWENSBORO LODGE NO 130 A NOTICE There will he work in the Third Degree riday night August 15 Please he with ns DENNIS DODSON Master GLENN I hens 9 lbs up 22 No 2 turkeys 10: old toms 13 old hens 22 EVANSVILLE LIVESTOCK (Quotations for Thursday! Evansville Ind Cattle Steady good to choice steers $25 00 2850 beef 1 Authorized Dealer or Complete Selection of WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES West 9th St ish Mkf 916 91 Phone 336 Plenty ui parking space "WHERE YOUR BUSINESS IS APPREC I ATED" SEL SERVICE MARKET No Mixing! No Stirring! Lb $059 WATERMELONS 49 YOUR HEALTH OOD STORE Guaranteed Red Ripe Your Choice 50 Lb Can CORNER MAIN WALNUT Colored Ready to Serve DURKEE'S MARGARINE Again This Week! Emge's LARD Pure Guaranteed Everyday Low Price Cigarettes Carton BALLARD A biscuits 7y Low Price of 3 Cans for Again This Week Sliced gak BACON SM A Real Buy! Good Quality Lb Pure Cane SUGAR 100 Lb Bag Gnnrl Oualitv? Plenfrv This Week MUTTON 1 Ccs Whole ore Quarter Lb bl REAL HOME MADE OLE KY £1 BAR SAUCE 25c Pt A fI I 0 i 550 531 7 33 i re uSflW 28 Lb Average type $1600 7 1700: dairy type $12 00(7 1400 cutters and canners $8 00 1100 Calves Steady good to choice $22 00 2450 medium to good $1750(u 2150 plain to common $1600 down Sheep and Lambs Steady natives $21 50(7 2450 fat sheep $700800 75c lower top $2725 bulk $2150q2700 pigs $22000(2400 down OWENSBORO LIVESTOCK MARKET (Quoted By ield Packing Company) (Quotations for Thursday) Hogs Steady to 15c higher 180 240 lbs $2685 240 275 lbs $2545( 2630 275 300 lbs $23 35(" 2460 over 300 lbs $2025 down based on weight 160 180 lbs $2595: 140 160 lbs $2000 under 140 lbs $1900 choice light sows $1625' 1725 heavy sows over 475 lbs $1575 stags $1475 Market steady extra' fancy $22 00( 2300 good to choice $1650('t 20 00 medium $11001400 common $9 00 down Over weight calves $200 less Sheep and Lambs Steady to 25c low er good to choice lambs $2050 2275 medium to good lambs $1550(0 900 common kind $1475 down good to choice sheep $750 8 00 medium to VENETIAN BLINDS inest workmanship lexible steel slats AU popular sizes in stock ready to hong Bring measure ments McAtee Lyddane Ray Incorporated PHONE 3430 good sheep 600700 common kind $500 down Steers and butcher cattle that are fat steady half fat cattle 25c 50c lower for week cows and bulls steady choice steers and heifers $20 50( 2500 good steers and heifers $18 50(" 2150 medium steers and heifers 1650 common to fair $11501300 good to choice cows $1400(' 1650 dairy type fat cows $1000f 1200 heavy cut ter cows $900 1000: heavy canner cows $800(" 1000 good fat bulls $1400 0(1600 light bulls $1100 down Puritan regulations compelled engaged couples to speak to each other only by means of a speaking lube phone EYES EXAMINED LENSES GROUND Coiner ourth and St Ann WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ALL YOUR Printing Needs Prumptly and Economically Green well Chisholm Printing Co 2 Compartment KITCHEN SINK JI 1 Acid resistant Enameled on cast iron Ira Wood Son Plumbing Heating Co ATTENTION HOG EEDERS! Save up to six bushels of corn on each 250 lb hog WEST NINTH ST MILL 1701 Ninth Phone 685 Custom Grinding and Mixing INTERSTATE RADIO REPAIR Pickup and Delivery 108 St Ann Phone 2334 i juinivwwi iuj 1 1 hi UP TO DATE ONE STOP SERVICE COMPLETE TltACTOK SERVICE General overhaul and tune up I REBUILT MOTORS model A 8 I Plymouth Dodge and Chevrolet Complete mechanical and repair service for cars and trucks all makes Body and ender Repair Spray Painting Parts Accessories Trailers Wm Beard Jno Beard Mechanics RANK PASS SON 2101 Parrish Ave Phone 1630 DR I (OLLIER JR CHIROPRACTOR Announces the opening of his new office August 1 1th at 1 1 04 Werner Ave OICE HOURS 9 12 am 2 5 pm Sat 9 12 am Mon Wed ri 7 9 pm Phone 406 2436 rederico I Tel 1791 Night Call 1 157 4 Interest ARM LOANS 1 to 40 Years Made By EDERAL LAND BANK In Daviess McLean Hanco*ck Ohio and Henderson Counties Our loan can be repaid at any time in full Now is the time to secure a long time loan at a low rate of interest A loan tor all your needs Joe A Vittitow 221 Sf Ann 1047 Sec Treas armers NIA Owensboro Ky I LARGESTIN HISTORY I BEGINNING TODAY The greatest stock reducing sale ever attempted in Western Kentucky All mer chandise is way below today's wholesale cost POSITIVELY NO SALES TO DEALERS 1080 CANS TO GO! APPLE SAUCE Each CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 1 1 1 1 SUPER MARKET HI WAY 60 EAST GLENMORE 2832 CANS TO GO! omato Soup 310 Oz Cans 0c VEGETABLE BEE SOUP 0r 5C 1240 CANS TO GO! Grapefruit Juice NcV jc 2592 CANS TO GO! A A TOMATO JUICE 1 1056 CANS TO GO! TOMATO JUICE 5SJ 3QC 3 1 I I 1 I i i OPEN THURS RI AND SAT UNTIL 8:30 MM 1 ii I I i.

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Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6523

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.