Moon Lord strategies (2024)

Moon Lord strategies (1)

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This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.

Status: Subject to revision (This Guide does not meet certain quality standards and may be heavily outdated.)

  • Issues:
    • Most likely outdated since 1.4. Remember not to delete pre-1.4 content; use {{eicons}} and {{eversions}}!
  • Moon Lord strategies (2)Moon Lord strategies (3)Moon Lord strategies (4)Moon Lord strategies (5)Moon Lord strategies (6)Moon Lord strategies (7)

    PC/Console/Mobile/Old Chinese/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, Old Chinese, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.

    The Moon Lord is the final boss in Terraria. Because of its high health and its numerous, highly damaging attacks, it is generally considered one of the most difficult bosses in the game.

    The following strategies will give players an easier time defeating him.

    Moon LordHardmode exclusive

    • Regular version

    • Chinese versions

    Moon Lord strategies (8)

    Moon Lord strategies (9)

    Moon Lord strategies (10)

    Map Icon

    Moon Lord strategies (11) Classic

    Moon Lord strategies (12) Expert

    Moon Lord strategies (13) Master


    AI TypeMoon Lord AI
    Damage(Varies per attack)
    Max Life145000217500277311 (total)
    Defense(Varies per part)
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toMoon Lord strategies (14)

    Inflicts debuff

    Inflicts debuff

    Inflicts debuff

    DebuffMoon Lord strategies (15)Moon Bite
    Debuff tooltipYou are unable to absorb healing effects




    Phantasmal Eye
    Phantasmal Bolt
    Phantasmal Deathray


    • 1 The Fight
    • 2 Parts
    • 3 General Strategies
      • 3.1 General tips
      • 3.2 Terrain preparation
      • 3.3 Gearing up
        • 3.3.1 Armor
        • 3.3.2 Weapons
          • For Melee users:
          • For Ranged users:
          • For Magic users:
          • For Summoners:
        • 3.3.3 Accessories
        • 3.3.4 Potions
        • 3.3.5 Others
    • 4 Specific Strategies
      • 4.1 Regenerative Facetank
      • 4.2 Shelter strategy
      • 4.3 The Hoik Method
      • 4.4 Cavalry Method
      • 4.5 Ramming into Eye Sockets (Master Mode Only)
      • 4.6 Nurse strategy
      • 4.7 Synchronized release (Old Chinese version and tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version)
      • 4.8 Duck Statues (Old Chinese version and tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version)
      • 4.9 Minecart and Teleporters (Old Chinese version and tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version)

    The Fight[]

    The Moon Lord's main attacks come from the Eyes on its hands and forehead, which are also the only parts that can be damaged.

    When the eyes on the hands are exposed, they will alternate between spawning Phantasmal Eyes and shooting Phantasmal Spheres. The eye on its forehead will instead charge up the Phantasmal Deathray, and then fire it based on the player's position.

    The eyes can only be damaged on their "active" state and they will always shoot 2 Phantasmal Bolts before closing.

    When an eye is defeated, it will detach from the main body and spawn a True Eye of Cthulhu, an unkillable enemy that uses weaker versions of the Moon Lord's attacks. The empty eye sockets will also reveal fangs which do contact damage if touched, but the Moon Lord won't directly attack with them.

    Occasionally, a tongue will spawn from its mouth and try to latch on to the player. If it connects, it will inflict the Moon Bite debuff, which prevents healing from the Moon Lord strategies (53)Vampire Knives and the Moon Lord strategies (54)Spectre Hood. The Moon Leech Clots spawned from the tongue will heal one of the Moon Lord's unkilled parts for 1000 HP if they reach its mouth. It will not heal or replace any eyes in its hands or forehead if these have already been defeated.

    The Phantasmal Sphere is the boss’s second strongest attack. It is difficult to escape its range, so the directional dodge provided by the Master Ninja Gear is very important.

    The Phantasmal Deathray is one of the strongest attacks in the game, and the player must always watch out for it, especially on Expert Mode. It can very easily finish off a player at around half health, so it must be dodged at all costs. It is only fired by the eye on its forehead, so you must be prepared for it when it opens. The safest way to dodge it is by flying over him with Wings, preferably Fishron's. It can also be dodged with a Rod of Discord by teleporting out of its path. Because of this attack it is a bad idea to keep the Moon Lord offscreen, as the player won't be able to see it coming. As of the 1.4 update, it can go through blocks, so it is no longer a good idea to shelter in a simple box against the Moon Lord. It is recommended that you aim to take out the top eye first as this will prevent it using the Phantasmal Deathray (The laser that comes out of it).

    The Phantasmal Bolts don't do a lot of damage, but they are hard to dodge as the Moon Lord doesn't shoot directly at the player; it instead tries to predict their position, and does so very accurately. The eyes will look at the player when preparing the attack, so you can predict it as well.

    After all 3 eyes are defeated, the Moon Lord's core will be revealed, and what is arguably the hardest part of the fight will begin. The True Eyes of Cthulhu attack very frequently, quickly overwhelming even skilled players. Running away in this case is better, as the True Eyes' Deathrays have much shorter reach compared to the Moon Lord's.


    Moon Lord

    Moon Lord strategies (55)

    Moon Lord strategies (56) Classic

    Moon Lord strategies (57) Expert

    Moon Lord strategies (58) Master



    Boss Part

    AI TypeMoon Lord Head AI
    Damage0 (melee)
    150 / 300 (Phantasmal Deathray)
    60 / 120 (Phantasmal Bolt)
    Max Life45000/67500/86062
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toMoon Lord strategies (59)Moon Lord strategies (60)



    Moon Lord's Hand

    Moon Lord strategies (61)

    Moon Lord strategies (62) Classic

    Moon Lord strategies (63) Expert

    Moon Lord strategies (64) Master



    Boss Part

    AI TypeMoon Lord Hand AI
    Damage0 (melee)
    100 / 200 (Phantasmal Sphere)
    60 / 120 (Phantasmal Eye)
    60 / 120 (Phantasmal Bolt)
    80 (Melee (eye socket))
    Max Life25000/37500/47812
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toMoon Lord strategies (65)Moon Lord strategies (66)



    Moon Lord's Core

    Moon Lord strategies (67)

    Moon Lord strategies (68) Classic

    Moon Lord strategies (69) Expert

    Moon Lord strategies (70) Master



    Boss Part

    AI TypeMoon Lord Core AI
    Max Life50000/75000/95625
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toMoon Lord strategies (71)Moon Lord strategies (72)





    General Strategies[]

    General tips[]

    This content is transcluded from Guide:Practical tips §Combat.

    Terrain preparation[]

    If one is having problems fighting the Moon Lord, a skybridge can be built to make the fight significantly easier. Ideally, it should extend quite far from either side of your spawn point (700-1000 platform blocks should suffice). The Moon Lord will not despawn unless all players are dead, meaning you can outrun him and heal for a while if needed. However, straying too far will cause the Moon Lord to teleport on top of you, so careful spacing is required. This is of less concern in multiplayer, as the Moon Lord will only chase one player at a time, giving the others time to retreat and heal up if necessary. A long straight Minecart Track paired with the Mechanical Minecart will help you avoid most of his attacks. Make sure to hammer the ends for bumpers or make a loop to return to the straight track.Asphalt can be used as a sky bridge material to outrun the boss and dodge its tongue if you value the ability to use Vampire Knives. When the Moon Lord teleports with his tongue already chasing you, the tip of the tongue will not teleport with him. This allows you to completely outrun the tongue, avoiding Moon Bite and allowing Vampire Knives/Spectre armor to work normally.

    In the Moon Lord strategies (110)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (111)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version exclusively, Moon Lord's Phantasmal Deathray will not go through blocks. A simple roof made of solid blocks will be able to block it completely. Thickening the roof will also mitigate the explosions of the Phantasmal Eyes. You can open up holes in the roof to shoot through when the Deathray isn't active, or you can leave the roof without any holes and damage the Moon Lord exclusively with weapons that can phase through walls.

    Terrain prep can be skipped by using a form of infinite flight, such as the UFO Mount or a pair of late-hardmode wings coupled with the Soaring Insignia, although it is still wise to build a nearby house for the Nurse.

    Gearing up[]



    For Melee users:[]
    • If you are playing on version 1.4.4. The Moon Lord strategies (146)Terra Blade is a highly recommended weapon when fighting Moon Lord, it may even be able to beat the Solar Eruption in term of effectiveness.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (147)Solar Eruption is the strongest melee weapon available, dealing massive piercing damage to all parts of the boss.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (150)Daybreak and the Moon Lord strategies (151)Influx Waver sacrifice power for longer range. The Influx Waver also destroys Moon Leech Clots with its sword hitbox.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (152)Seedler is the best melee weapon that does not deal piercing damage. This is advantageous on the Moon Lord strategies (153)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (154)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy versionwhere, due to piercing invincibility frames, piercing attacks interfere with the damage of the Stardust Dragon. This means that the Seedler can safely be used in conjunction with this summon, whereas piercing weapons should be used with Stardust Cells instead.
    • If your mobility is high enough, The Moon Lord strategies (155)Starlight and its combination of long reach and rapid attacks can be very useful, especially when paired with the debuffs from Flasks.
    For Ranged users:[]
    • The Moon Lord strategies (156)Vortex Beater is the strongest gun available. Moon Lord strategies (157)Crystal Bullets provide the highest DPS, while Moon Lord strategies (158)Chlorophyte Bullets are more useful for the second phase, in which you are practically forced to retreat. They also allow you to focus more on dodging the attacks as they home in on targets.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (159)Phantasm with Moon Lord strategies (160)Holy Arrows provides the highest DPS of any primary weapon, but the low velocity of Holy Arrows will hurt your accuracy unless using a Moon Lord strategies (161)Magic Quiver or one of its upgrades. If not using a Magic Quiver, Moon Lord strategies (162)Ichor Arrows or Moon Lord strategies (163)Venom Arrows should be used for their high velocity, making them easier to aim.
      • The Moon Lord strategies (164)Aerial Bane is a strong alternative to the Phantasm, dealing bonus damage to airborne enemies and shooting multiple explosive arrows.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (165)Electrosphere Launcher is the strongest launcher available. Its electrosphere ability makes it capable of reaching great DPS. The Snowman Cannon can be useful for the second phase due to its homing nature.
    For Magic users:[]
    For Summoners:[]
    • The Moon Lord strategies (176)Terraprisma is the best summon available at this point, although to some, obtaining it would be more difficult than fighting the Moon Lord without it. It synergizes well with the Moon Lord strategies (177)Kaleidoscope due to its high tag damage.
    • In the Moon Lord strategies (178)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (179)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, the Moon Lord strategies (180)Stardust Cell Staff is preferred if the player uses a piercing primary weapon. The damage of the Stardust Dragon is subject to piercing invincibility frames, which will result in lost damage if the boss is receiving piercing damage from two sources at the same time.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (181)Stardust Cell Staff will fire additional shots at enemies off-screen if the enemy is struck by another weapon. Combining the Stardust Cell Staff with a gun with chlorophyte bullets allows the player to kite the Moon Lord offscreen more effectively than other summon weapons. This strategy is useful when using a fast mount in the second stage. This staff also has high accuracy and its attack speed synergizes with Moon Lord strategies (182)Betsy's Wrath.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (183)Staff of the Frost Hydra is the best sentry available, but it only works if you remain in one area. It is unlikely to contribute significantly to your DPS, but there is no drawback for using it.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (184)Kaleidoscope is the best whip available. However, the damage increase from Kaleidoscope is generally not as high as using a secondary weapon from another class and requires dangerous proximity to the Moon Lord. When used with Moon Lord strategies (185)Valhalla Knight armor, it can serve as a primary weapon, taking advantage of the armor's regeneration, high defense and boosts to summon damage.[2]
    • One can use multiple whips for their summon tag damage increases. The Moon Lord strategies (186)Dark Harvest and Moon Lord strategies (187)Durendal are generally preferred for this.


    Due to the high base damage of the Moon Lord's attacks, the defense stat itself is relatively useless with most strategies. The most important attributes to consider are damage/critical bonuses, mobility, regeneration, and percentage-based damage reduction.

    • Wings are almost a requirement when dodging the Moon Lord's attacks, unless the player is using a flying mount. The Moon Lord strategies (188)Fishron Wings, Moon Lord strategies (189)Betsy's Wings, and the Moon Lord strategies (190)Empress Wings are the best wings available. The Moon Lord strategies (191)Steampunk Wings are a weaker but more accessible option for those who do not want to farm Duke Fishron, Betsy, or the Empress of Light for the random wings drop.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (192)Soaring Insignia is by far the most important movement accessory after any wings in Expert and Master Mode. Unlimited flight time and greatly increased ascent, flight, and ground movement speed will allow a far easier time evading any attacks.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (193)Frog Leg, any of its upgrades, or any balloon accessory will make wings ascend significantly faster, which helps a lot when dodging projectiles or racing against the Phantasmal Deathray.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (197)Fire Gauntlet is recommended for Melee users as it provides a variety of useful melee bonuses.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (202)Stalker's Quiver or Moon Lord strategies (203)Recon Scope are recommended for Ranged users, depending on whether they use arrows or bullets, due to their wide array of ranged bonuses.
      • The decrease in aggro is useless in single player, where the Stalker's Quiver can be substituted with the Moon Lord strategies (204)Magic Quiver or Moon Lord strategies (205)Molten Quiver, and the Recon Scope can be substituted with the Moon Lord strategies (206)Sniper Scope.
      • The bonuses of the Recon Scope and the Sniper Scope stack for a total of 20% ranged damage and 20% critical strike chance if both are equipped. For the quivers, only the arrow damage stacks, making the combination less useful.
    • Equipping the Moon Lord strategies (207)Mana Flower or one of its tinkers is almost mandatory for Magic users to avoid having to manually consume Mana Potions.
      • The combination of the Moon Lord strategies (208)Mana Cloak and the Moon Lord strategies (209)Celestial Emblem is particularly useful for the variety of magic bonuses they provide together.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (210)Papyrus Scarab is recommended for Summoners. It can be equipped with either or both the Moon Lord strategies (211)Hercules Beetle and the Moon Lord strategies (212)Necromantic Scroll as the effect of these accessories stack.
      • In the Moon Lord strategies (213)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (214)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, remember that the already summoned minions' stats do not change when you change your accessories. Using the Hercules Beetle while summoning the first minions, then switching it out for a Necromantic Scroll to summon the last one is a viable strategy.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (215)Warrior Emblem, Moon Lord strategies (216)Ranger Emblem, Moon Lord strategies (217)Sorcerer Emblem, and the Moon Lord strategies (218)Summoner Emblem are still viable at this point in the game and can be used to supplement whatever accessories you have equipped for your class if you wish to maximize your damage, however their tinkers are generally better.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (219)Master Ninja Gear offers a dash for horizontal dodging and a 10% chance to not take damage from a hit. The wall traversal abilities are less relevant during a boss fight but don't hurt. In Expert Mode, the Moon Lord strategies (220)Shield of Cthulhu dash can be used instead, which also provides a few invincibility frames that could help dodge an attack if properly timed.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (221)Celestial Shell is the best general purpose accessory, providing decent combat, defense, and healing boosts, more so during night.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (222)Charm of Myths offers increased health regeneration and reduces the duration of Moon Lord strategies (223)Potion Sickness by 25%.
      • The effects of the Charm of Myths and the Moon Lord strategies (224)Philosopher's Stone on Potion Sickness are only applied the instant a Healing item is consumed, so it can be kept in a vanity slot until the player needs to heal, and swapped back into the vanity slot afterwards.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (225)Cross Necklace will double the immunity time after taking damage, allowing you to potentially dodge some hits entirely. The Moon Lord strategies (226)Star Veil will also provide additional damage with the stars that fall when you are hit.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (227)Frozen Shield provides crucial knockback immunity that will allow you to avoid being thrown around by enemy attacks. It also provides a nice 25% damage reduction when below half health as well as 6 defense.
      • Other shield accessories that also provide knockback immunity, such as the Moon Lord strategies (228)Ankh Shield, can act as very viable replacements. It is worth noting that the Moon Lord does not inflict any debuff that the Ankh shield covers.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (229)Worm Scarf(Expert only) provides a 17% damage reduction, which is always useful.
    • The Moon Lord strategies (230)Brain of Confusion(Expert only) provides a 1 in 6 chance of not taking damage, which roughly results on average to a 17% damage reduction, however it can be the difference between life and death when the individual attacks are as strong as Moon Lord's are. The 20% critical strike chance boost when the dodge activates increases DPS significantly. Moon Lord is immune to theMoon Lord strategies (231)Confused debuff this dodge applies, however.

    Every accessory should have the Lucky or Menacing Modifier. For hybrid summoner builds, Menacing is preferred. Melee users may opt for the Warding modifier to mitigate the lost defense from Moon Lord strategies (232)Ale or Moon Lord strategies (233)Sake.



    • As mentioned above, the Moon Lord strategies (251)Rod of Discord is another way to avoid the Phantasmal Deathray. There is no need to worry about Chaos State, as the Moon Lord uses the attack on a timed interval, allowing for the teleport debuff to wear off.
    • An infinite flying mount can be invaluable for this fight by providing mid-air mobility while freeing accessory slots that would otherwise be occupied by wings and a Soaring Insignia.
    • If you're using an asphalt bridge in Master Mode, the Moon Lord strategies (259)Hexxed Branch is an alternative for extra speed when running from the Moon Lord.
      • However, one should take care not to run too fast in order to prevent the Moon Lord from teleporting onto the player.
    • If more agility is preferred, a Moon Lord strategies (260)Slimy Saddle or Moon Lord strategies (261)Gelatinous Pillion can be used to return to the ground quickly and reset your flight time, and also serves as a makeshift downward dodge.

    Specific Strategies[]

    Regenerative Facetank[]

    It is possible to defeat the Moon Lord while making no attempt to dodge its attacks whatsoever. While wearing a Moon Lord strategies (262)Squire's Great Helm, Moon Lord strategies (263)Valhalla Knight's Breastplate, and Moon Lord strategies (264)Cross Necklace while fully buffed, one can heal off all the damage that the Moon Lord deals without ever being in too much danger. The leg slot can be filled with Moon Lord strategies (265)Valhalla Knight's Greaves, Moon Lord strategies (266)Spooky Leggings / Moon Lord strategies (267)Forbidden Treads, or Moon Lord strategies (268)Dark Artist's Leggings to boost melee, summoning, or magic damage output, respectively. (Ranged leggings have no good damage bonuses on specific sets.) In Classic Mode, if you do not have access to the Old One's Army, simply wearing armor pieces that provide the highest available defense will also work, as long as you are buffed with Regeneration, Lifeforce, Endurance, and Ironskin.

    Simply stand in a pool of Moon Lord strategies (269)Honey, grapple yourself in place, and chip away at the Moon Lord’s exposed parts. Most weapons will be far easier to aim now that the Moon Lord is no longer moving around.

    Since you will be immobile for this fight, you can use accessories specialized entirely towards damage mitigation, regeneration, and damage output, with your priorities roughly in that order. Because of the method being used here, the Warding modifier for accessories can still be of use. If you're playing on Moon Lord strategies (270)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (271)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, it’s also not a bad idea to place a solid platform at least 7 blocks wide in the sky solely to block the Phantasmal Deathray, which will still severely dent your health bar. Doing this will make it more difficult to deal significant damage to the eye in its forehead, though weapons like the Moon Lord strategies (272)Stardust Dragon Staff or Moon Lord strategies (273)Blizzard Staff will still work.

    In Moon Lord strategies (274)PC version, Moon Lord strategies (275)Console version, Moon Lord strategies (276)Mobile version, and Moon Lord strategies (277)tModLoader version, the Phantasmal Deathray will pass through blocks, and the life regeneration bonuses of Squire's Great Helm and Valhalla Knight's Breastplate are reduced by half, making this strategy less effective. This strategy is still viable, though it will now require full tanking gears. For the leg slot, Valhalla Knight's Greaves is recommended, since it has the highest defense. All accessory slots should be filled with defensive accessories, all reforged to Warding. In Normal Mode, the Moon Lord strategies (278)Celestial Shell, Moon Lord strategies (279)Star Veil, Moon Lord strategies (280)Frozen Shield, and other two defensive accessories (such as the Moon Lord strategies (281)Flesh Knuckles or Moon Lord strategies (282)Black Belt) with buff potions mentioned above will let you safely kill the Moon Lord while maintaining almost full health.

    In Expert Mode, this strategy still works, with additional requirements: The Moon Lord strategies (283)Worm Scarf and/or Moon Lord strategies (284)Brain of Confusion, and an arena consisting of Campfires, Heart Lanterns, Honey, Bast Statues, and Heart Statues (As well as Star Statues as a Magic user). In Master Mode, however, the above settings do not work, because the life regeneration of the armor gets overwhelmed by the massive damage of the boss. The solution is to invest more in damage reduction and dodge chance, rather than defense and regeneration. Since the effect of damage reduction and dodge chance is proportional to the damage of the enemy, it is much more effective in Master Mode. The best armor available for this purpose is Moon Lord strategies (285)Turtle armor. Since the armor set doesn't contain any regeneration, Dryad's Blessing and at least three Heart Statues are advised in addition to Expert Mode requirements. Using the additional accessory slots provided in these higher difficulties, the Moon Lord strategies (286)Shiny Stone is highly recommended.

    Shelter strategy[]

    This strategy does not directly apply to 1.4, where the Phantasmal Deathray can pass through solid blocks. If you use this in 1.4, make sure to have a Rod of Discord to teleport to the other side of the Deathray, and enough room in your shelter to have time to react and teleport.

    This strategy is based on exploiting the fact that a lot of Moon Lord's attacks can't go through walls.

    A half screen-width wide, 6-12 tiles high shelter must be built. Make sure to add Heart Statues, Heart Lanterns, and Honey for better regeneration.A weapon with the ability to attack through blocks such as the Solar Eruption must be used to attack him.

    While inside the Shelter, only the Phantasmal Spheres will be able to hit the player, making for a very easy fight.

    • A smaller shelter is acceptable. Simply build a small 2-story house mid-air with honey on the top floor (and other items mentioned above except for heart statues), and move the nurse downstairs. When you are damaged below 200 health, simply pay the nurse for more health.
    • The top-tier armor sets sold by the Tavernkeep can make this strategy especially viable, as they allow the placement of powerful sentries outside of the 'box' and also boost the damage of the Stardust Dragon Staff. With accessories that increase minions and minion damage, they can finish off the Moon Lord in a couple of minutes or less. When using this strategy, it's important to include a row of platforms below the shelter to place sentries once the heart is visible.
    • Hoiking the walls (via hammered down platforms) can allow your projectiles to pass through walls. Ensure the nurse cannot simply walk through the walls when using this method. Objectively most of the moon lord's attacks pierce walls and it could be just the same without walls on the sides of your box at all.
    • When the talking menu with the nurse is open she can't heal herself, so it is important to close the menu to let her heal.

    The Hoik Method[]

    This is the easiest, but longest way of fighting/farming the Moon Lord. It doesn't require much in the means of equipment, other than what you would probably have already at this point in the game. It will require patience as the battle will be lengthy, but this is a sure-fire way of winning that only requires clicking the mouse to use.

    A full write and example can be found here.

    Cavalry Method[]

    Similarly to the minecart method, using a fast mount like the Moon Lord strategies (287)Blessed Apple can make the fight easier. By setting up teleporters at the end of a long skybridge while using a weapon with tracking capabilities will allow you to outrun most of his attacks. Asphalt can be used for greater speed, at the cost of speed reset when flying.

    Ramming into Eye Sockets (Master Mode Only)[]

    In Master Mode, all attacks of the Moon Lord have their damage tripled, except for the contact damage of the eye socket, which deals 80 as in Normal Mode. It means that if your defense is higher or equal to 79, you will only take 1 damage from it while triggering invincibility frames. To utilize this, you will need an Armor and accessories setup with more than 78 defense including at least a Moon Lord strategies (288)Cross Necklace and Shield accessory, and enough mobility to keep up with the movement of eye sockets. You will have to somehow take out one eye to use this strategy, though. After that, you can just follow and touch the empty eye socket while shooting at other parts of the boss. This strategy is much less effective as of 1.4.1.

    Nurse strategy Moon Lord strategies (289)[]

    The Nurse can heal you anytime you take damage, so by utilizing her the player will not have to worry about damage at all. The nurse has a low chance of dying in that all NPCs take reduced damage, and the Nurse herself has additional damage reduction from the Moon Lord's attacks. Furthermore, the Nurse's ability to heal herself makes damage she takes minimal. To use this to the best effect, build a house for the Nurse (for best results, incorporate it into your arena), turn on autopause, and use a powerful minion like the Stardust Dragon. Stay in the Nurse's house, healing whenever you take a lot of damage, and let the minions do all the work. You won't have to worry about dying, and your minions will kill the Moon Lord eventually. As of version 1.4, the cost of healing with the Nurse was re-balanced and is now much much more expensive, up to 30 gold per heal in the worst case scenario. If you consider using this strategy, be sure to prepare with lots of money to spare.

    Synchronized release (Moon Lord strategies (290)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (291)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version)[]

    For those who want to fight the Moon Lord conventionally, it is highly recommended to synchronize the release of the True Eyes of Cthulhu. To do this, the health of the Moon Lord's head and hands must be brought to zero at a very precise moment in the True Eye of Cthulhu's attack pattern. Prepare by bringing all three of the Moon Lord's eyes to a very low amount of health, and release one. After the True Eye of Cthulhu fires a Phantasmal Deathray, another True Eye of Cthulhu must be released during the Phantasmal Sphere attack that immediately follows the Deathray. The timing is indicated by a unique noise. If done correctly, the newly released True Eyes of Cthulhu will attack in the same pattern, making them far simpler to dodge.

    Duck Statues (Moon Lord strategies (292)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (293)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version)[]

    Summoning Moon Lord then maximizing the enemy count via Duck Statues with water underneath them will prevent the True Eyes of Cthulhu from spawning when they are taken out, making the final phase far easier.

    Minecart and Teleporters (Moon Lord strategies (294)Old Chinese version and Moon Lord strategies (295)tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version)[]

    For this strategy, a very long railway with bumper ends should be made in a straight line. Make sure to build a ceiling above to block Moon Lord's Deathray.

    A Minecart's speed makes it very easy to avoid the Phantasmal Spheres and Bolts, and as mentioned previously, the Deathray will be blocked by the Ceiling. When you reach the end of the track, the Bumper end will quickly change your direction while also keeping your momentum. A Teleporter wired from the beginning to end can also serve the same purpose if triggered with a Pressure Plate Track.

    If you have a Moon Lord strategies (296)Mechanical Cart(Expert only), make a minecart track across the whole world. Go slowly and attack, but if you are almost dead, go fast until you heal. (If you go at full speed he constantly teleports and cannot attack.)

    Wearing Moon Lord strategies (297)Beetle armor with Moon Lord strategies (298)Beetle Shell and having all accessories forged to Warding can be a good method to complement this strategy. A Vortex Beater with Chlorophyte Bullets, Nebula Blaze or other weapons with homing capabilities allows for you to continuously go at max speed while shooting backward. This will allow you to dodge most of the damage and do efficient damage while staying safe.

    V • D • E • P

    Surviving in Environments


    1. Information taken from the Moon Lord strategies (384)PC source code, method RegisterBoss_MoonLord() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs.
    Moon Lord strategies (2024)
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