Newmarket Era , July 4, 1924, p. 6 (2024)

Albert II AGENT MOUNT ALBERT E A M Mi ae Church I Ml Tim Ptophol of Hclb us to make helpful You and we need TllQ garden purl OABDENJPApTy Cliurcli wHlbe Veld of about half tount Albert on July Dili Tea jyMl from to find llic J i Inn of Toronto will provided Iho festival il Womens vail bold Strawberry iival on lawn off Mr Joint Moore on Saturday July Dili Aden Sim J- insisted by and local lalonl will provide Urn program Ion from Canada in from with her parents when a girl limy sullied In villain of In Aim Harrison married Mr Jo- Ili Harrison of Murkliam young couple moved to Port lading where Ihey resided for years when Mr Hanson three In religion alio was a MelhodiM and was loy al and faithful to church al ways in her pew on when she was able Some two years ago she was compelled lake her bed but all through illness she was patient and cheerful A devoted and saintly mother has certainly gone to Heavenly hom*o Mr and Mrs floss motored loGuelph for holidays in town Dyer and family attended a ionic at on Monday of is week Mrs Mills of Newmarket visitor In town over Sunday last home of Mr Walter Draper llii- Mrs Burr of Mr Dike town for the holiday Mr and Mrs daughter of Toronto a viiJf Miss in own for the holiday at PROMO Mrs Hayes and are in own it lo his mother who is y ill Olive Toronto the holiday Miss Unite 111 EXAMINATIONS in Jr marks bailey 597 J llllill I Davis in Spell Gordon Jeaa Spang Will Innni 71 Jr HI tJ Ill tola Elsie ifC Davis Recommended Bruce ica III Orchard A fiorco over here on Friday Tbo rain down in by and quantities hat Iboy could be scraped up on vor- by Tho jar- wore not only drenched bul parly vcgotaljlcs cul in places The electric la- don till The elect it of commit i iho also flic high on Sunday Dancmy and way out of bo doubt the dull chilly had much lo do with re ducing- usual at the Union Church on Sunday Owing illness Dr Hyde was unable lb lake file and his place was ably I lied by He v of the i Training School Toronto jolo by of and from Tbo Messiah was a real and greatly aiMireciatod Tin vicos next Sunday will bo con ducted by Edward of in the great Island In Day Dure we oil Join In wishing may he ever strive In Mini fur list At he evening Jce -iOli- a In regard work which he lias chosen It In without doubt Iho and noble to which anyone give heir If bo for none can he and Mrs of To ronto wore guests of Mr and Mrs noborison over Iho long weekond including the holiday bore wore only about a dozen on shore Ibauworo occupied last weekend The people who use oars at Orchard Beach slop are disgusted the aocominodation Tliero a not even a plajtform any more The trolley has erected signs the various slops along the rack thai are hut the station and phiform at Crossing need attention Dont forget itho of he Beach Association at tho hom*o of President next Satur day night There a number of matters that need to ho idorcd and ro at Mr J Mm John Vokes and additions lo lew fencs and the liberal of the are nuiking numerous Iimprovcmemls along the shore A pretty wedding married to Mr John Vokes I BoWlcs officiating Winn French played Tin- Iodic gowned in a dross powder blue with black lace hat and carried roses Later Mr and Mrs Vokes left for a motor drip he bride traveling in a navy blue suit will hat to match and wearing tin gift of he groom an Isabella fox fur quite an improvement Sunday night oclock Thursday to see quite a number or miner visitors out to church Bun- day evening Is it not a shame hat there arc not many more who honor by their presence In His house Service at sharp Union at oclock Tuesday even ing In the Christian and Methodist lurch alternately Sony to that Miss fanny was taken to the Imiplti imJay time ago Miss Curds Ye her head knock which slight concussion of the brain Hope o hear of a speedy recovery Quite a storm we had last Friday afternoon and hall accompanying It Some people report hall four Inches deep and hall stones as large as Many old friends will no doubt be glad know Mrs Patrick called and bad dinner with her Mrs Johnny Marrltt Mrs Con ioionto an spending a few her home here ad Mrs Geo of Mr JtHii ami at Slfto total UuLC- Passed livfir Harry 5 Bruce 4ifi Walter Stlckwood 421 Harrison Jr to liaised Jean Taylor finlclna lolmson Doris Cecil to Jr Passed Bernard Draper Florence Hill days with Kearns and Ed- ward sn at Mi- J ill Mr spent Sunday at Newmarket a lljJin Jxhilri Allan set si n Hie in hospital I and Mrs also Mr and Mrs Peers onto were at Mr and Mrs Pickerings i Cora of Windsor is UK In In lid with her aunt and Mis A were al tarahall Pickering i 1 I for Con Mr I Mra J David sick hut at at Improved James Cain has unliiiri Cards farm This Is enn it in Mr Cain has s an of the Dont forget to reserve July to to Hie Jlelhodlfit Circuit Sunday Haying has commenced and a good crop considering ted Ided how All our basket Cant Sunday morn Sunday School Uice was presented lo felt I Mr lias Stewart of Sask viaxtng heir Sister Mrs J It Mrs of Proalrpntq is visiting at Mr A Lena and Smith -Ii- owienon tiavc no Royal Muakoka for Mr Mrs L Cooper of thou- holi days Maple Hail wrote on the us here Wo wish much good to bay i Oils the It iner wiuuy aro visiting Mrs Wataon of the with Huntley and jnH In Milne Gertrude Sunday with Mrs George Pear Born In Quconsvlllo on lo Mr ge HH Mrs Wright of lothe parties outings ho postponed their garden til July 17 when we hope to have number of ladies Wednesday in honor of Mrs Chapman other paitios and other ings ho Presbyterians I their garden with daughter Mrs and the Misses were their way to their summer home Cake Coiuicll is year and faiily her time School Is being held this Hie Christian Church morning afternoon and evening Several Toronto speakers among whom are Fletcher and Morion and Prof Dales Saturday evening Is to be a Utile different when there will be a bonfire Three vloca to be held next Sunday nil afternoon and evening Were having lots of nice rain help the crops along at present look Emerald The Summer School of I held Oils week in ml i by Sunday mi W0lkcri Of till- uti 11- ricsstoiui held and a iaell evening The of Hie serving In the hill and hi In Hieii homes Miss I iililli Ohio and W P Fletcher are by tin- pastors am has charge of Hit recreation The school continues y sermon at- IT a will be given by Hev P Gra ham of Newmarket to lie followed the of Hie Cords supper At 01 in Prof J speak on Life am at i 0 llr P will a In- of Soil Seed and liar pastor Mr was absent preached in to visiting her many Mends in the village The warmer weather Is attracting lln- suiiuiiiif to tin- the will soon need a police at one dangerous corner A ii of car himf- d the Conference a Bloom I on recently July of Zephyr Sinter Lodges invited J Dawson and Belle a few weeks Mid- pulpit here iionday nlo a I rank pent lid Ml Sunday evening It July pices of the Oralis Lodge and the Womens Inst It be held at the home Program Miss of l he Toronto General Hospital e Mi Saturday last Emma I dont lo of the am hopeful of a fine camper like to good time Rumor lUSll to Cik Hi Sir hat Hie cottages and his portable al on the ami Of Scott a Of about Urn diint limine Ibe It what lit rival much chewing away lilti has hii Smiths yard to work Civvfoid new icddencc I quite a one- liiic plelllir III aHllio iV eat dollars before 1 iciipiiii says Dial divvii Old count Hi the cost when bunding vximm- applies o the tin lioi hi work with perfect satisfaction He appeals know oil about such work lie hi the valuable ad vice of our amateur Civil Engineer beans about Utile business all the wlU fool tin J order for prohibit liiild It Tine village Is the tramping ground of vagrant cattle The- should get after I a- would be the thing It woiLi ph aitr moving Hie street This not a veil targe village but ha S iait the that four old five going on si promising lot of girlies g- Uncle Owl Clia- I in- sold out his nun and start t of lln- Ki iow I th iij night Goo in with Mis as accompanist lie sUl- a in of liUh This also applies to Mr around here set sail tills menu tho Pre line it wdl for truck He tews 11V announcement of Chang Ifmo of service had been v were id attendance Mr Cook has about his new dwelling 1Iie garden parly lust HOLLAND LANDING ilMll on five four on five aid Irene and two ma Tayloi- old Jive going on six They a lot Uncle Owl business to an Is to to and business ibere as a ham and shoes Few are Ids that line He knows l boot truffle over ho weeend iio holiday was enormous half Iho cars which pass- fooling conducted sprvice last Sunday and an excellent sermon discourses should have ro und Mm people Ibis will be pleased bear him next Wednesday July tin Mis Civil linn i miles cast of here from followed by a Try and he and encourage lo defray of 1 llto circuit J he is expected this week at 11 on Sunday his discou I ti often helped Sutton West Mr Harry W Smith of Grafton Mass A was of Mr Alfred Rogers country home on Lake a week ago last Sunday On the following day be met some of Hie officers of the Summer Fair and was very much pleased with the deep interest they were lakiing in the coming Pair and loyalty to the community Mr Smith being an Old Country sportsman promised hie assist ance in suggesting something new for the coming Fair est Price it fey to Churn demand for Mount Albert Creamery grown larger uo your cream let tie tfo your work for you Ii phone call Will bring our to door Mouot Albert Go at Mount Albert Our Ottawa Letter to the echo- this tribute from his Leader The Honorable member who made he charge against the Minister says that when the Minister of Labor talked with Hie Deputy Speaker in his office and was Mere told thai the Dank was about fail and on that knowledge dial of itself proves the change Will any honorable member say that we should make it an obligation upon members of the House and Ministers of he Crown Ibaf with to a private affairs they are not bo permitted to exercise the prudence or the- dame dis cretion that they would be ex pected to exercise as- in dividuals A Minister of he Crown makes a good ficcs in the public interest that lie may entire time and attention to I submit that it is going very far Parliament heaved a sigh of rc- when if had passed through critical vote on the Church Union Bill On first day of debate in the House there were all lite fac tors that conduce a fulldress performance an issue of para mount importance a full at tendance of members galleries thronged with visitors an eagerly country awaiting the result and general toning up of the atmosphere that was exhilar ating On the second day he debate dragged The House wearied of endless reiteration of arguments- As member felt called upon and no one could understand why to explain his- position the yawned in Boredom and the- gal leries became Cries of Question Question I greet ed each new speaker and it was some reluctance it bat the in embers heard the utter ance of the Party Let us get it over was midnight of the second day And they got it over by a majority in Committee of no- few er than 52 was thai after Ms vote there other in Committee as weU as- read ing of the itself no one Worried thai score- The Brown amendment was iecognizedl as Via- vital point issue and its decisive adoption paved the way for a expedi tious consideration of Hie Dill know their A- On Sunday i aIOi TSU June Ibt in the Land He deUvei lr Mr 111 Mi ire off their a stock etc July a mentis in wttli her slater and apparently I I ii ihi f- Ah ehrtiie lights but ILlvy thin oil- la forth us a Pointer She in her w rib- Jll itii great delight trie other Spilt iy Jul 1 j of Party leaning be misled the bit of stag which bad its culmination resignation on Friday last of member foe West Eastings post of the Privileges file Corajnilteeda the mailer of charges aurdoct Mr part of the little drama from tin moment of its inceptkin early signion was a the viewed from of astute- Ohio of the Parly in selecting he picked a man who hi So poses as a vor brave raan an outraged citizen a of purity who i the scandalous eon duct of Ihe Crown and he ap peals his constituents for the vindication refused him by colleagues in House of a transparent honesty and simple frankness hat as lounded and his Mr went on stand and voluntarily told tiK had done even ha vol that bis act ha been one- of sheer human from he could no of HO be respect to his Minister of the in that prudence 1 property and dividual Past Record Illumines At tack What has been the record of the Minister of Labor started life with very little in lb way of personal means but by hi ndustry his integrity and hi honc3ty he won confidence of his fellow workingmen In hundreds but in hous the whole of rfhis con He was entrusted will part control of he trust funds of the great organization of railway trainmen of which one honored officer and leaders When some few years ago he entered the service at this Coun- Member Board of Commerce he drew a salary from that office of emolument and to draw another dollar of salary when he found it impossible to dis charge his duties in the- interest of the public because of the re strictions placed upon Him Hon gentlemen oppoaitn who wished Murdock at occupy an of fice- and a but at the same lima not car ry out that office posit honest and public life should dm utmost retain in Tax for Wlnfllnj This bit of poiilics up a whole of the this weak and cost the an ejeii many t the four Ihuusaud dollars of sonal savings the tried safeguard and hi In two and years it has been he near jcannal charged present yovermuenl a ratty fair roeocd The end the ft and from much dungecous line of attack Coijertalive camp pro ceeding via the JEhd on- on the Canadian Lines BiB a being vie toriously revel came on iiesday in lie Senate Commit lee dialing with Branch Lines Sir Jamas declared that ho regrellcd bis Senate under late Admi Oration of Bill the railways He intended he atone for I hat mistake by no pass for limiting on the Canadian Nations System whirti he considered n And Sir James wit would be again tbo Senate if Ufa to RENT Scott a cleared Is full particulars apply to STOKES The pay the CARD OF On behalf of the of the lite linhit- her Illness house eon sale New House Village of lot Hard and soft New Garage Apply to A HALL Over Stwe Vftil Office 9 to p to be for It be ire dale therewilt no light loads I thre old reliable farm and am prepared to- take eve class of risk Including Tenant at moderate rates best always n tba end Better Water Get It fresh the spring no end of IL Send jour or In early hive a drilled well thlj Sullen West Well Driller Wood A Iron Pun Phone FARM FOR SALE JOHN HALL North of NOW OPEN oi on



Newmarket Era , July 4, 1924, p. 6 (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.