The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

0 February 1 1, 1938 Classified Pjge 2 SMHI a nf r.d SECRETARY Win Accounting background. firm tooKing for a person with good secretarial 1 By Joyce Lain Kennedy Watch Reason You Give for (Firm of two frit) Dear ioyr I Imks ben 4iom own mdW couldn't lev and I intend change jobs ASAP. I know Itiat not tmart to knock employers, but I don't know what to lay whon asked why I wont to change) cSb. What li the best way to handle (hit oveihOM? M.T. A.

The fint way to handle the recnof-for4eovmg cfueifsun as to omit it from return or cover letheri on the fob oppfr cation form, limph write OpportuniB Sofftc fob fwrtoft Mwf fsocH ths kitoi vltw phtnQf Imcoum In tbwr cowsc IB Hen compelfed to Include fntir reasons for oVportioQ, toyt Jock Cretan, pftidenl of Monogomont DWnemioni, Inc, an cj ptocftftMMt and cocwf Mofch consuhing firm in Weflesry, Matt. Here ie Erdlen'i ol the coum of job termination most frequently noted by opphcontt, cttoeicj wHh hit explanation of why iey freojuonHy roiw doubts otnonQ employem lack of work. The employer may wonder if there wm work available and the individual wm not able to do K. Did the employer manufacture tha reoton to justify a termination? Layoff, fa thit tipoff that the person a poor performer? Why buy someone eKe'i troubles? Wca me opplkont the onfy person laid off? UJ iLl KMak I uvirai too win iths person leave qukkfy bettor situation turns up? topendabflity? Personal reasons. Tfifa comment may caver a serious situation.

Drug or drinking problems? Nervous breakdown? hlo room for advancement. Is this view objective or it me applicant not promo-table? Was the fmetui to leave Mtatod by the employer? Poor health. Hot the procitom been fectrffed or will continue? High ob Personality conflicts with supervisor. Are conflicts an ongoing problem? Does the applicant resent supervision? More money. Will the applicant continually press for somry increases.

Does the oppftcont have on inHotod opinion of his or her real worth? Uninteresting, routine work. Does this person become bored quickly? keeping this auvlkunt happy full time job for every supervisor? Other comments mot Ci iflen soys raise yebrowt of corporate recruiters mclude family considerations, politics and desire for relocation. While the teutons may be ksgmmoto, most recruiters can recall situations where similar comments conred horrendous problems in backgrounds or personalities. Thus, the safest oction fa to reject the applicant because these honest, naive reasons for leaving jobs could indicate potential problem employee Once you put yourself In the mental shoes of recruiter, you con understand why volunteering reasons for leaving each position not in your best Interest. Wait until the interview when you can allay reciuitei concerns by a fuller explanation.

Honesh kt Important, but being gratuitously and prematurely frank can, at Erdien explains, be detrimental to your job search. Whafi the most mrredible reason Erdien hat received in his two decodes of reviewing applkanr'i resumes? "1 left my tost job because of illness my boss got tick of me." Next: What to soy In kilei wewB about why you left each job, KADER NOTE: For a copy of Joyce lam Kenneoyt new -ttVpoga booker, "High-Tech Caroms." make a check for 13.50 payable to SFI and enclose a seff-oddretsed, long while envelope stamped with 37 cents. Order fromi High Tech. Boi 366C, Cardiff, Calif. 92007.

stun, tetter wrung eoiKi. balancing accounts and var--Otj bookkeeping duties. Send resume, including references and te'arv requirement to: BOX BOX ef-'M Oark sville, IN 47131. CFtfiETAB Y'Rf-f eotionist needed for centrally located ortice. Musi have 50 wpm typ ing a answering a incoming lines.

Excetient career opportunity. Hour 130 S. CaN METRO TEMPORARIES 4 6221 SECRETARY Bookkeeper Must have experience in area of payroll, tax and banking deposits, sales tax accounts pavabte- receivaoie. Apply In person from 9 a to 30 m. win a resume at Tipton Restaurant Eoup, 1400 W.

Main il Louisvilte, KY 40703 SECRETARY, East End corporate oHlce. Good tvoing, word processing written oral communtca'lon skills necessary. Salary commensurate wexperience. Send resume in confidence to: JKH, P. Box rv, Louisvine, KY.

SECRETARY: Southern Baptist Church seeking mature experienced person a tuN time Cnurch Secretary Word processing desired. Resume KU BOM M4I. LOUllVIIM. SECRETARY. Minimum 2 vr.

tegal experience, shorthar-d, tvptng, word processing skill. Send resume and salary history to: Box R-343, co CJ, 525 W. Broadwav, Louisville, KY, SECRETARY- Excellent Ivo rs word processtng. resume staling experience end salary requirements to: 4043 Tavtorsviitt Lout- vilie. KY 40220 SECRETARY Lona term do- sit ion available tor secretary receptionist.

Good typing skills, a0 worn. General office duties. 63-555. fcmTOW AW It 3 SECRETARY. Long term po-siiion available for Secretary.

Good typing skills. Adequate accounting knowledge. East end. 636-55S. WHJK AKtrrj SPcQETADY PevroH, bookkeeolnfl knowledge, compuler exprlence helpful.

Por small company Send resume to PO box 34188, Louisvitte, auitzj SECRETARY: Part, possibly full lime. 75 word WPM. Resume to: McCov'i Business Services. 2100 Gardiner Ln. Suite 2(6, Louisville 40Z05 or SECRETARY.

Legal $83-5314 LOUISVILLE BAR PLACEMENT SERVICE SECURITY OFFICERS Part-time, nights and week ends. Car, phone and clean police record reoulred Apply: 40)0 Dupont Circle Suite 103, a.m. p.rn, en, SERVERS, Experienced, fu time. Accepting applications, Tues. 2 p.m.

-4 p.m. No telephone calls please. Hurst-bourne Country Ciub, Srteibv- vme hq. uvnoon lr. SOCIAL WORKER (Master' Level) or CERTIFIED PSY-f um rviKT needtvl tor Psv- cho-Social Rehabilitation Program In a progresiive mental neaitn racniry.

aena resume io: Donna Fox, Executive Assistant. Brldaehaven tnc, 1473 S. 4th Lou isviiie, KY, 40208. SOCIAL Service Designee, nursing home experience preferred. Send resume to: Lincoln Hill Nursing Home, PO Box 603, New Albany, IN, 47150.

SUPERINTENDENT Kentucky based asbestos abatement contractor Is seeking experienced tob superintendent. EXCELLENT SALARY Catt (502) 331-2415 9-S P.m. SUPERVISOR. Corporation expanding needs experienced furniture reuoholsteringre-conditionlng supervisor. Career minded only.

Send qualifications to: Box P-82, The Courier Journal, S25 W. Brondway, Louisytlle, TEACHER TeacherGoverness Tired Of The Systems Hassle? Accept a new challenge with more flexibility. Prive'e family witn autistic, employed young son seeking a pleasant, creative and caring teacher with Special Ed and swimming experience. 420,000 salary possible for fully qualified person. Excellent working conditions.

Send resume to Box U-283, C-J, 525 Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. TECHNICIAN Video Recorder Technician, with 2 years experience. Apply 9-6 893-3424 TELEMARKETING ANCHORAGE AREA Needed Immediatety for part time evening hours. Must have telemarketing experience, will not be doing cold calling! Tvp-Ing a must 40 WPM, Call METRO TEMPORARIES 459-6221 TELEMARKETING Sped -1st. Career opoortunitv for person with top telephone skill and ability to deal with a variety of duties.

Busy office, must have accurate typing. Salary plu bonus. Call Karen, 1 p.m. to 4 or 6 pm to 8 pm, at van- iyi LEMARKET1NG TELEMARKETING Local corporation needs experienced Phone personnel for permanent positions. Excellent salary ptus commission.

Bonuses. Call 4916479. TELEMARKETING Homework. Earn $5 an hour easily. Set own hours 585-5000 TELEPHONE Sales, Badge Deals an over soutneast unit ed States.

Tap Pros. Catt 812 -284-381? THEATERS USA CINEMAS JOIN OUR CAST Now accepting applications for an tneater Stan position in' eluding: ASST. MANAGERS Appiv 1-1 p.m. at the following location: Oxnioor, Raceland Westlend theaters. All applicants must be ta vrs.

or older. TREE Surgeon. Supervise 8 train all crews. Insurance, uni forms, paid lunches, holidays, vacations educational class es. Experienced Only.

Daves Tree surgeons. 426-06 14. TYPESETTEft- Experienced typesetter 4. DASte-up artist for monthly horse magazine. Call 245-1125 ask tor shiriev or Ray tor in' terview VINYL SIDING: Loulsviha area.

Must have break. 812-967-3166 WORD Processor for law office. 5 p.m. -9 p.m. Dlsoiavw- rue experience.

Lontaci Carol al 589-4215. WORD Processors No Fee No Contract OFFICE MATES5 456-4330 INDIANA CARRIER WANTED Deliver te dally and Sunday courier-journal. Cuibertson Vlncennec Area- Cash bond required. Caj uavia oenson wy-JUBi. PHARMACIST Oue'to up- com'ng expansion, Waioreen is aoo'ca'tfjn for pharmeust for both lnoiia 8 Kentucky.

Complete be-efit packeoe Including tucrat-ve retirement plan, ma-or medical plan including denial benefits, stock purchase ran 7 paid hofidaw Cal S02-45A-1740 to schedule interview. PHARMACY Clerk Pari time Experienced only. Send reply to: box 1-297. CO CJ, 52 West Broadway, LounviHe. KY, PHOTOGRAPHER full pari time, experience.

Send resume to: 8ok T-39. co CJ, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 4C202. PIZZA Delivery. Must be 18 or oder.

have proof of insurance. Own car, valid driver license. Apptv after 4 at Pcnv pres P'iia, al iroquois Manor. PLASTERERS PLASTERES Experienced plasterers new), ed. Send work history end sel' arv requirements to: Boa 0-15.

525 Broadwav, Loulsvilie, W107 PLUMBER. MASTER Keefudrv Bcensed, pood benefits, flood nours. Call as soon as poss'Dle 8I2-W3-8I5S. PLUMBER Licensed, experienced, locel work. ONLY HABO WORKING PEOPLE NEED APPLYI Can 9 a p.m.

SH3-7473. PRESS Ooerntor. WeD press operator needed for printing company In downtown area. Musi have experience on weo press and be ava'iabie to work 1st sh*t! Pay based on experience. Cell METRO TEMPORARIES or 1-3, 459-tOSO Printing 4 Color Stripper Opening for 4Color Stripper, with minimum of i yrs.

experience. Competitive salary and excellent benefit package at sheet fed offset printing plant with multi-color presses, please send resume lo: ABfaFV PRESS Human Resources Dept. St. Meinrad, IN 4757 Peual Opportunity Employer PRODUCTION SCHEDULER For a local resns manufacturing plant. 5 plus experience In cheduiirtfl and supervision Of batch chemical oro-ceslng with knowiedoe of pro fluctlon scheduling and nventory control.

Reoulrw the ability to Interact In a positive rnannor with various function and levels of the organization. A technical or business degree Is preferred. Send resume to: Box C-979, Co CJ, 525 W. Broadway, Loulsvilie, 40202. Equal Opportunity Employer PROOFREADER.

Long term temporary position. Advancement possible, college English courses helpful Fees. SWISHER 1939 Goldsmith Ln, RECEPTIONIST RECEPTIONIST SWITCHBOARD Position available for a of switchboard receptionist to answer phone and handle light typing. Hours: 9:00 a p.m., Mon-Frl. Apply In person: Transort America, 1800 Progress Wav, Clark- vnie, in.

fc.u.fc, RECEPTIONIST. Entry level position. Accurate tvoisl, congenial personality to answer busy phone and greet clients. FuH time position 5358 New Cut Road RESIDENT" Manager needed, part-time, some housekeeping required. $3 35 start.

RESPIRATORY THERAPY Full time opening for experienced RT to work 11-7 snfif Call Lisa Comb at UMC Shelbyville, 589-0213. RESTAURANT PREP LINE COOKS Excellent benefit wage. Aoply between 2 3:30 p.m., KT'S RESTAURANT TUX) Leilngton Rd. RESTAURANT RETXY'S Is now hiring Apply In person. 3400 Bardstown Rd.

029 Tavlorsyllle Rd. NO PHONE CALLS RESTAURANT- Waitress Waller, pari time, 20-25 hrs. a week. Call between 9-11 a.m. 491-0050 RESTAURANT Cooks, Cashiers Managers.

Apolv in person. Lees Famous Recipe, 2S25 Brownsboro RdJ RETAIL RETAIL MGMT Klrkland's. a mator oift retail er, has an opening for Store Manager tn us new uxmoor Center store scheduled to open In AprlL WE NEED Oualifed, energetic, elf- Starters, desiring a career in retail Retail experience preferred but not required we will train vou Both desire ability to relo cate it necessary WE OFFER Excellent starling salary rnmoeiltlv benefit Early responsibility wtth necessary training Rapid advancement which I BeerformanrP- Reply bv confidential resume to; Kirkfand Consolidated, Attni Chief Administrative Officer, P.O. Box 7222, Jackson, TN 38308-7222 eoual opportunity employer RETAIL: Experienced people Interested tn a oreat new on port unity in a career optical position with Okolona Ciarksville location of 46 yr. old companv.

Send resume or apptv in person at: 815 Preston Hgwy. Louisville 40219 OR 56 East Highway 131 Ciarksville, IN 4MU SALES. AERO DRAPERY We have a part time position avatlaoie In our showroom. Evening 8. weekends.

Knowledge or experience with fabric andor color coordination with a sales background would be a plus. If thi is the opportunity you nave been looking ror, apply In person at: AERO DRAPERY 1M PLANTSIDE PR. SALES Representative. Cor poration expanding In LouiS' vine market. Experience in furniture reuohoister nore1 conditioning sales oniv.

Career opportunity. Box R-940, c'o The Courier Journal, 525 w. Broadwav, Louisvllie, SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Immediate ooenlng for part time secretary office administrator. This position could lead to full time. Individual should have good typing, word processing end written oral communications skills.

Knowledge ot iBM computer would be helpful. Organizational a must, iena resume to: Clarence 1, Myers Business tvens Assurance Co, 10400 Linn Siahon Suite 221, Louisville, Kv. 40223 RETAIL d-er, mv horrte Westporl Rd area, BABYSIT7IN3, your Home, rugnts. full f'me Call S84-2065 from y-i pm. CARE for elderly, homemak-tng, companion, any ey-perleflce, references.

425-9V9I rloE (a. JL hanrti- capped references, uans- portat'On. tan aje-iu CARE tw slc or WCerly, part rime or fuft rime, home or hospital. jferenoiSJ36M)0L CARE for children, eiperience with 900a references, 3 oav a wfc 10 go. t-aw joo-io CARE tor elderly, your place or mine, own transportation, hours negotiable.

Call 774-MJ). CARE for elderly, ov Certltied Nurse's Aide Call anytime Between and m. y6 0470 CARE for the elderly, your home. Owe transportation. References Catt '35-0717 CAREGIVER for eiderly 01 will 4 a -4 a m.

Own franspoftatton. 4Sa-elM. CHILD Care mv home, ages 1 ono UIOVT. TVe'JUi i n. reliable.

Call 425-6783. vara in mv numw, or 3rd shift, fuH-tlme only, le- tant prererreo. o-tojw. CHILO Care In your home Mon. thru Frl.

ewcetlent refer- ences, fun time only. CHILDCARE experienced. In home. West End area, can provide references, 772-747? CLEANING: TRIED THE REST? NOW TRY THE BEST! "A Day Off" Cleaning Service Family run-opera'ed 499-5951 CREATIVE Daycare Highland area. Experienced mother of J.

Call 458-3349. HOUSE WORK -cook or care for the sick, slay or go. M5-309 or PRIVATE Care for the elderly, their home. Prefer male patients. Can 776-Q446.

WASHING Ironing. In your home. Ecellenf references. CLEANING-motherdeughler team, cleanlne, painting, homes, epartments. offices.

Call anytime. 09Jj-5255. CLEANING- nomas, apartments offices, by individual ponded, refernces. 739-1 7u6 CLEANING, experienced Indi vidual, low rates, references, Indiana only. 288-7025 COMPANION.

live-In Mon. Frl. 24 experienced cancer A heart patients, etc. Excellent References 893-3954 HOUSECLEANING) MERRY MAIDS Nation's No. Meid Service Dependable end Affordable CALL 425-8881 HOUSECLEANING, Individ' ual-houset a.

epartments. FREE ESTIMATES Cell Terry at HOUSECLEANING: Experienced references. 368-2033 after a P.m HOUSECLEANING, east end, deoenoable individual witn ref erences, tall 245-915, HOUSEKEEPER, cook 28 vrs. experience, excellent ret' erences. 772-7030 after 6 p.m.

Instruction 250 299 vVattorson College AAOO Arerkinrldoe Ln 4vl-5000 Free partctno TRACTOR-TRASLER No experience asVetrelneiefl DOT CartMcatton. Fuiorpernkne aPistMnartDent HnencsatAU Avaaeble. ALLIANCE TRACTOR-TRAILER "Tul Itwwmiwcnicns 1 LEBANON. Tl U8 ro free JAY TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING CENTER needs dedicated aopllcents for over-tne road truck driver framing. CALL JAY TODAY at Jf-V4i TELLER TRAINING INST.

451-7615 Watterson Towers. 4 Week Training Program LOUISVILLE COLLEGE Moriiral A Dental Careers -1800, 1512 crums Ln. 4U2ia 458-3500 or 895-1247 A-PASS-WEIKEL INSTITUTE START NOW! JIO0 GARDINER LN. 400 SHERBURN LN. 458-35O0 or 895-1247 Family Style Real Estate School 5716 Outer Looo 968-224) ENROLL NOWI lwi Start locally, full time part time.

Train oft live airline computers. Hone study and resident training. Financiol aid available. Job placement assistance. National lighthouse A.C.T.

TRAVEL SCHOOl I Accreditee) member N.H.S.C. 77MHV TO BE PROfESSIONALl a SECHETnRT e'ECKCtniONtSTl aECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 Slrt tocally. full limapanl lime lfn vvd pfOCt'nfl I nd rtlatrd necrtansl skills Hofn Sluilv nd Rrtinrnt I ntMNOll tn AVAHAPtE i JTOfVWMCNtUSISlUIC.C I 1-B00-327-7728 nahwrrtCHorx -J! ilifljf AIR DRESSER needed wm scna to'towng. Lous Beautv Sa on. It) or HEALTHCARE Doctors Assistant.

AAust ie wonunf with people, be efficient and type wetl. Insurance I accounting experience hetpul. Excellent wortung condition. Send resume to: Dr. E.

HubPs, 300 Fmbastv Souare Suite 301. Loulsy'ite. KY. HEATING Air Conditioning service installatkSn Ht years minimum experience. Call 5-t2 HOT Stamp Decorator Seexing tndividuel with 4 to 5 veers experience In roH and vertical stamping, also Injection molded plastic parts.

Experienced In purchasing, controlling, end maintaining Inventory of hot stamp tolls. Preferred but not necessary. resume to PO Box WS8S. LOuisvlle Kv 407W HOUSEKEEPER co*ck want-ed oavs 12-4 references, must have own transportation. aN Inoulrles promfty respondod to.

Respond In writing to: Box E-042, co CJ. 575 Broadway, Louisville, KY, HOUSEKEEPERLIVE IN. No smoking or drinking, private room bath Wont A Good Home East end, wooes. 425-4747 HOUSEKEEPER Coot for etdetv ieoy. Live In.

hlo smoking or alcohol Over 50. More for home than wages Can 9o9-3IM between 10 a.m.-4 pm; or can vev-autj. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, Do ait house duty chores Approx. 4 to 4 hours a dev. Stay or go.

contact Mr. Bennett 4-fn HOUSEKEEPPERMothers Helper. Care tor 14 year old daughter while single parent Is on business travel. Live In full time or when parent travels. Requires experience, references, drivers license.

8, maturity. Salary ooen, can or 49-037! INSTRUCTOR World Gym ts now hk-ln0 for all positions. Apolv In person, Bartf-tktwn Rd. Experlvncei necs- ssrv. No can.

INTERIOR Design Assistant Tun time, Must have drafting ability. Personable. Salary ihmjuo yr. 5ero resume 10; Box 70411 too Is villa, KY 40270 tAB Tecnnlcan, Chemkal. Experiment witn powder equipment, contribute suovestlon atd toees for Improvement, lemoorary asslgn-ment Call todav.

metro tech Laborer Concrete SuparvVsor nenjod Immediately. Must have epoxv systems and mortar appllcaior experience. Call today Piedmont Temporary 897-5158 LEASING Consultant. 4 days, must work weekends. Must be congenial, enthusiastic and oroaniiea.

Apply In person with resume: Feb. 2-4, 10 a.m. 2 p.m. 4 Feb. 8-11, 10 a.m.- 2 pm.

at Churchill Park, 3091 Breckinridge Ui. No phone calls, LEASING. Pari time position. Approx. 30 nr.

available at 700 apartment community. Week ends, Camelot East 425-7513 LEASING Agent: Weekends Only. $4 00 commission. 7471 Egypt LOAN Officer Nationally recognized leader In 2nd mortgages expanding In need of individuals with bank or finance company management experience. Individuals must be aggressive and service-oriented with a proven track record.

Benefits package attractive and salary commensurate wih experience. Send resume or background Informal Ion to: PO Box 7313, Louisville. KY, 4O207r MACHINE Operator Two Available Positions With Expanding Company One position night shift. Experienced on C. Lathes Machining Centres a plus.

Send resume to: 5800 PcrXar Level Rd. Lou.svlHe, KY 40218. MACHINISTS WE ARE LOOKING FOR MACHINISTS! Experienced In ad phases of Job Shop operations. Experience In equipment repair, such as punch presses, press brakes, woutd be a plus. Right person can advance to manaoement position.

Excellent nay and benetlts. Send resume to Box A-2C8, 425 W. Broadway, Loulsvilie, 40202 MACHNINST MACHINIST PreferreBly with horliontal bar floor type experience, must be willing to relocate. Send resume to: REFAX PO Box 901B, Gary, IN 46402 MANAGEMENT Trainee MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Look no further! New corporation, looking to expand In Louisville area. No experience necessary, start Immediately.

Full or part time, 19 hour plus bonus. Positions in marketing management sales. Will train. For Interview, 893-6132; Charlestown, IN 8 12-256-3626 MANAGEMENT Assistant Manager Salesperson tor career position with quality mens apparel shop. Experienced only.

Apply In person (no phone calls please). Contact: Kramer Knot Is, 1-4 pjn. JAYMAR oxmoor c-nter Manager National company, based In Louisville, will soon open a retail store in the Louisville area. Home decorative products soles manager desired with a strong background in home furnishings, retail management great organizational communicative skills. You could be a candidate for our sales manager if you are truly success oriented desire a great working atmosphere wHh a very competitive salary benefits.

Please send a complete resume to. Box F-290, a. 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. MANAGER Resident Manager (PART TIME) Like to work at home? Eniov meeting people? Cardinal industries.

Inc. is seeking dynamic couples with proven organizational and communication skills to effectively manage a M-unlt property In the kiew Albany, IN. area. A competitive compensation package Is offered to the selected candidates. Please respond with work history end salary requirements to: Human Resources Coordinalor, O.

Box 32434, Columbus, OH 43232 or call 6l4-7iS-630 a.m. -12 noon toual Opportunity Emotover MANAGER We are seeking Qualified people to help us grow. The job includes, sates, deliveries 8, collections. vru. (ike working wtth customrers in a rest paced environment have seies experience we would like to hear from you Apply at: Alrenco, 4419 Cane Run Rd 7100 Preston Hgwy.

MANAGER, Experienced, good slarting salary fringe benefits. Apply al CSC Oil office. 2210 Goldsmith Ln. Suite 108, Louisville. MANAGER.

Salary plus apartment. Experience preferred. Mature professional. Apply 7471 Egypt 964-3820 Leaving Job DRIVER, Truc. over the road.

At least vrs experience. 20s per mite and drop pav. Must have references and pnone numbers of references. Lan tptw, am tot poo. DAIVER-Truck, 5 yrs Over the Road flatbed experience.

Wilt be driving 1 ot 1 trucks, ivs Astro or mi wrote. Call 94-4710 DRIVERS MUNSON TRANSPORTATION HIRING DRIVERS! torn $30,000 Plus Per Year Benefits Company Paid omity Health Insurance Safety Bonuses, Loading and Unloading Pay Time At Home Program Quality EofuipmeM Credit For Experience Pequireinentt: Good Safety Record 1 2 Months' Recent Verifiable OTR Experience 23 Years of Age -tOO-423-762 (US Watts) 1400-654-1941 (In Ulirwis) I0E OR (VERS Drive to Brighter Future With SUNBELT EXPRESS SUNBELT EXPRESS, America's premiere truck toad carrier Is expanding and looking for drivers to operate from our new Clarksvllie terminal. If you have 1 vr. recent OTR experience, we want to talk to yout WE OFFER: premium pay emptyloaded paid hospital, dental, vacation retirement plansafety bonus clean, modern fleet passenger program AND MORE! SUNBELT EXPRESS 1-800-647-3704 DRIVERS Professional Drivers Needed. Mornadv Truck Lines Is looking for professional tractortrailer drivers.

1 year over-the-roed tractor trailer experience required. 23 years or older. We offer: Pay based on wori history of tost employer. HeoHti insurance paid on driver after 90 days. Weekly tettfemtonti.

your Qualification match the above, give us a cal and loin the team of: Hornarjy Truck lines For application and mora In-formallon, call I12-2M-U0O or t-800-633-1311 DRIVERS and inside help needed (or Pony Express Pizza. Make up to $8hr. with salary, commission rips. Must be 18 yrs. of age, have a dependable car, license insurance.

Apply ati 4199 Maryville between 4-6 m. Coll 955-9662. OBIVERV OTR. yrs. exoerl-enca, clean driving record al aal 7i rrs.

old. W3-6040 ORY Formallc oper-aior lor shirt line. Must be experienced, steady work, a day weefc. Paid Insurance, vacation. Dixie Dry Cleaners TKH Brownsboro 897 1125 FITNESS Sal.l Counselors, Service end Pub Workers needed immediately.

Apcmv al: American Fitness Centers. Bardstown Road or 7913 SnelbwiHe Rd. rilU. SERVICE HELP Wanted, fuH time, experienced preferred. Apply or call 1323 Hurslpourne Lane; 75-41e1 GENERAL Office Clerk.

Full lime, must be stood typist 8, experienced on calculator. Knowledge word processing helptul. Dulles Include answering telephone inouirles 8, filing. Send resume 8, salary requirements to Attention: B.R PO Box 3424. Louisville.

023). ENGINEER 900 349 AUTOMOBILE Detailing Franchise. ATTENTION! Prestige Auto Clean One of the most respected names In the industry, now has additional franchises available for the Louisvllie area. No previous experience reauired, comprehensive train. nfl, on point) support, insian? casn flow.

Selection of Franchisee ill start tmmeaieTeiv. laii 713-332-3173. BEAUTY Saion tor lease. FULLY tUUIr-r-tu. 4S4-3697 or BEAUTY Sa'ort for sale.

Fully equipped Bardstown Rd. Mikes Point Area, ur-uoog GROCERY, Germantown, II-ouidatiofl, parape, owner financing, 933-1443. Meip-u-seii en a'. to-pc OWNEROPERATORS Chem-Haulers, Inc. Tha Owner Ope rotor Co.

Is expanding Into Kentuckiana. To serve our customers, we are tookino. for owner operators who would Ilka to be partners -in -business with u. For further intormation contact Mack Brown at tt77i-SOv0 or apply in person al 300 Bells Ln. Louisvitte, Kv.

402)1 OWNEROPERATORi" Turn around Kentucky area on regular basis, weekly settlements, no sign-on fee, no permit cost, trailer furnished if needed. 366-1049 OWNER 'OPERATORS Turn around Kentucky area) on regular basis, weekly set tlements, no sign-on xee, no permit cost, trailer furnished If needed. 366-i049 TAIL Stores. Hair Beau-tv Supply stores (3) emphasl-, fng ethnic products. Excellent locations, modern equipment, well stocked.

Reply: P.O. Box 24204, Louisviiia, Ky. 40224. TONING 6 taWes- 1987 models, ano uoov wrap System. Save over 40! Call 491-8M0 atter 5 P.m.

WOLFF Tanning Beds and Toning Equipment. 633-fo47. National: 1 -800-43S-4466 WANTED Louisville InvestmentManagement Group seekino a business to buy operate. Will joint venture wrlgrtt circ*mstances. Send reply to: Box H-554, Co CJ, W.

B'oed- wav, Loulsvilie, KY, K2'J7. Riivihir. or SELLING? Call "The Nation's Corporate Investments' 3Ve-754U National company seeks l-HOO-924 7B68, operator ft Area's lst-bitfoesl 8uslness. Brokers. IWJ's 100's of conti dentiai sales.

VRBS 4M-266) SELLING? We have auaiHled buyers. For RESULTS call GEI Business Brokers45-O131 JWWttl ijsiMi BEfe'N TURNb'O DOWN? Give us a try, personal reef estate loans avaitaDie. Call Consumer Credit 454-3489. mi Bisnop Ln. Suite JOS.

Investment capital for expansion needed, cermankt lemo manufacturing company has more orders than can possibly make, need lo relocate in larger facility. Call Gordon el 502-247-2324 Wanted 430,000 will pay 12 return, loan secured by 1300,000 worth of properly. Call 948-1059 Need cash? If you are collecting payments on a mortgage sell It to me. Call Collect, 502-451-0901 any day, any hr. EXHAUJT-commerclal power uoits-2; 3 compartment commercial sink, dralnboard, fac-ets, $550 for all.

502-737-6200 PAPER Shredoer, shred Master. Used to belong to Oliver North. J500. 36J-5140. I.Mr.t.flfJT.WJkl:! COMPUTER-TI 994A Computer System, PE Box, extensive software, many extras.

lbii COMPUTER, Zenith, 171 Lap top computer, moaem. video card. s95. 425-7267. HAYES 1200B, modem, Smerlcom II software.

1150. Lau ji-uvuv MAC PLUS, I yr. old, J1200; 600 external drive, S200; many software. 945-1427. TELESCRIPT (AT4T) Model S3 10 with key board model 303.

Never used. $1000 firm. 502-769-5454 (Eliiabethtown) WANG Word Processor, 512 PFS file $vstem, 40 CPS letter quality printer. $2000, Call Joe at 502-585-3000. ZENITH Portable, PC, 640K, 2-360K drives, modem, carry case, battery peck, $3000 new.

Sell. $1100. 582-1645. CLOSED STORE! save 50- Atari, Commodore 8. Apple II software.

244-0691 Label afflxer, $1995, credit cards embossing, PB paper folder $575. Tri-Slale, 584-8528 Pets 500 549 AIREDALE Terrier Puppies. 3 mos. AKC Registered Nice for Valentine's Shots and wormed. $125each.

8 1 2-738-1636 (Corvdon, INI AkfTA. AKC registered, pel show quelity, 3 mo. female, 13 mo. female, 7 mo. male 10 mo.

mate. $350 a. up. 241-094a ALASKAN Malamule pupplesj AKC reigstered. im.

502-877-5148 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd Pups. blues, $60 each. 38-3484 a m. -9 p.m. BASSET pups, AKC registered, wormed shots.

$1 50 each. Call 48-5820. BASSET Puppy, AKC registered, male, has shots, $160 499-2111 BEAGLE PUPS AKC REGISTERED! 10 weeks old, shots, wormed. $60 each. 364-6187 BOSTON Terrier pupdv, male.

10 wks. old. 812-364-6615, DePaw, Ind. BOXER PUPPIES Fawn White Females only, born 1988, wormed. $150.

448-4533. BUYING OR SELLING? LOOK IN CLASSIFIED I QUICK APPROVAL to qualified homeowner, INQ BROKER'S FEE Tetmt May Haquife Higher Chatges. Will Rpnuirr Hintwr Rates (502) 897-3900 (312) 944-3494 1-800-221-9000 Financial Business to 350 Business 399 sWlfVflt.iftltijSW i factor? High medical COLLECTIOHS-Atlofiwvi Your experience) can used to wn hluh Income bfe-fH oonut. Must Mvt proven reiutts in eollectrorts. Op to SO.

000 Ht vr Srd rnumi to O. Box Louitvlita, Kv- 40724 CONCRETE Worker. Must be 0cwotee( hv own too ft. transportation. Iittxoer lanced person.

rwd not apply. CONCRETE POURER Musi have experience PtHjrtftfl on topping. Call todav phMmont Temporwy 8V7-519 CONSTRUCTION F'EUD SUPERINTENDENT Seektno a Construction Ftek! Superintendent with a mini-rvum of yrs. expertenca la the commerclat bulldina fietd. Must be wlitino to traveT Soia-rv cpmmwisurate with experience.

Please send resume ft saiarv history to: rneras Maneoer Hartford Structural .01 Nnrih 7th St Louisville, KY 4031 Cook UTILITY COOK Minimum I yr experience with comptete menu preoara-Iron. xceiient salary and benefits. Apptv (n person el; Holiday Inn Southwest 4110 Dixie Mowv. COOKS-2nd 4. 3rd shifts.

Break tast experience, must have reference, adpiv 2-4 p.m. at Frischs, SrOI S- 3rd St. CRANE OPERATOR hoofing materials distributor seeks experienced crane operator, must have chaufteuf's license and excellent driving record. Apcmv VVesI Roofing Supply 67V irraustrv ha. DANCE Tutor wanted bv Indi vidual male, evenings, current country and pop, DANCER-GO GO.

Indiana for a better deal- Salary plus commissions, WOO a week plus potential. 012 112-27-5504 812-J79-846V DATA Entry. APPLY TODAY Must type 25 WPM Excellent 10-kev and general clerical skills. Work ot Frl. I pm-e am.

Apply today, 9-3 METRO TEMPORARIES Must bring in 2-forms of idea-tftkatton, drivers license or picture ID and social security card or D'rtn cernticate DELIVERY Parson Good driver, heavy lifting, IS to 30 hours, send brief resume to A.VC,-, P.O. box aw, Louisville, Kv. 40222 You'll get better response to your Classified ad it you Include the price of the item you hat-e to sell. Call 362-2622. CARRIERS I EM Mi4eMy: A Rare Opportunity Selling The 1 Product In tit' Fwld Due to recent new ees omce opening requiring promotion to man age men i from our ex-sting force ha created a ne cessity to hire 4 a'espeooie for our Loutviiie ohSce.

Our current sale force win earn between (30,000 and 70, 000 ttit year. We are kKin for fuH time people with tne following Qualifications a sett starrer, neat appearance, professional, personable, good wot hatws, a oesira to succeed, RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION. If vou fill these requirements and would like to worx tor a company that will tram and pav a satarv, bonus and vacation plus fringes cell 767-6082 betwen 10 a and 2 pm Saturday 2U and Tuesday 2 16 Jewish Hospital 587-4311, 217 E. Chestnut St. Eooaf Opportunity Employer AGENTS.

Slert earnlns extra money to pav attar Christmas bills! SeN Avon Products In vour neighborhood, or to family friends. Stan vour owe business for es little as ii Investment. FREE Protes-sional training: Call W1-I30 AUTOMOTIVE Arc You Career Minded? Do You Went To Make A Better Than Average Living? Can You Follow Directions? Do you want to mako $40,000 in 1988? See ui for personal interview, Mod. and Tues. NEIL HUFFMAN SUPER STORE 4926 Dixie Hgwy.

SALEVFinencial HIGH 5-Figure Income We at Prudentla district a peaces offer up to 125,000 a veer training saiary, a tutl benefit package, established agency wi'h existing clientele a 2V4 year training program. vou have a college degree or equivalent in sales financial training, you could qualify tor a career ot financial planning wthe no. 1. Please call James Bramjm, 426-4723 for confidential Interview. The times are changing.

Can vou? SALES YEAR ROUND BUSINESS average Wonted in SaleiDistributor Newest most unique suncare product lo date Is seeh'ng professional self -motive ted Individuals for ground-floor career opportunities. Company support provided. L'mited areas available. Call 213-643-7557 SALES, Music retailer looking for aggressive, serf -motive ted Salesperson. Should have professional attitude appearance.

Enthusiasm A. proven snies ability a must. feB-ZSO) TELEMARKETING. Up to S300 day taking phone orders. Peonle wit) cat) you.

312-888-3338. Ext, L77. FREE KITFULL PROFIT Area supervisors, demos for toygift party plan expansion. Toy Chest can be vour new home. Free Kit, Free Trip, r-ree ion.

we care. t-800-S2W887 INSIDE-INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SALES Must be morouchty experienced In MHO soles. Send resume to: Luke Sprouse, Cameron Barkiev P. Box 32368, Louisville, KY 40232 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY No experience necessary, complete training program, pav plu too commission. Appointments provided.

948-0224 INSURANCE AGENTS We have orphaned account tn the greater Kentuckiana area, which can provide you with interviews everyday. 49-6846. Self fericvciopaedla Britannice from kads counter locations earn 1316 per sale (gross). Call 895-2106 NOTICE: The fttfewtog ade have been placed by people looking for a lob. AIR CONDITIONER Mechanic Operator Industrial aV commercial pneumatic control experience.

CaM M5-0796 or V69-8095. ANALYST, data and management (mature), seeks part of tun rime cnaitengs. ayr-3t4i ASSISTANT ACCOUNTING, Entry Level personal main frame computer experience. Bu sine Accounting education. Auditing experience.

Ask for Joe Owens at 23V-2663. DRAFTING, female wanting electrical, architectural drafting, refrigeration or mechanl- cai, etc. i an Bu-icso-MB ELECTRICIAN'S Helper, yrs. experience. Steady (ob wanted.

Call 368-7031. ENGINEER desires part time machine 6 electric control design. Send reply to: Box T-2va, co CJ, 525 W. Broad- wav, t-ouisvute, ht( auhjc. LEGAL Secretary- 0 yrs.

real estate experience, word processing, well -organized, shorl-hand, general skills. 937-5261 MECHANIC-small engines, 2 4 cycles, 6 vrs. experience, factory trained In 5 areas. Have own tools, good references, seeking a challenge. can Jim at w-6Jiv PURCHASING 8.

Material Management. (Production inventory control). MBA with 8 yr. experience in alt phases of materials management, knowledge of Meoic MSA software, looking tor a chal lenging posh ion. V-nll aitt-45-VM RECEPTIONISTClerical.

En-thusiastic, energetic person, good meeting people In person by phone, typing CRT experience. Call 282-4879 or call y45-6B, leave message. SALES ft year experience. AmblMous, hardworking, very depend wreferences. Arthur 368-8094, SECRETARY Word Proces With 10 vrs.

secretarial clerical experience Type 65 WPM. Dictating experience. Some shorthand. 1 yrs. college.

ieexs tun itme. SECRET ARYReceptlonlst HELP! HELP! I need a full time position. Pre fer fcast tntj. can yi-ynj, TYPIST, looking for pari lime position, preterrable evening hours, ptease cau vty-u after 6.30 p.m. I'm seeking to learn trade skill or full time work, while In JTPA which oav for my wages while I receive on the fob trelning.

Call Greg 896-207 r. Wfwa INCOME Tax preparation. My ottica or vour home. Reasonable rates- Call Glen Reed, 241-9527 for a ooo In tment. Word Processing Services, Letter quality.

Same dav service. Call 499-5664 NOTE TO PARENTS: Ken-tucky State Law requires licensing for ctiM care faciimes providing care for 4 er more chttdren not related) to fht licensee bv blood, marnage or adoption. Day car centers must Include address In ads. BABYSITTING In my home. Rangeiand Rd area.

Bv the hour, day or week. Excellent References 968-4720 BABYSITTING In mv home, experienced and educated In elementary educetion. South West area. Phone BABYSITTING- my home, lost of experience, very dependable good wchiidren. any aue, any nours.

iau vw- iytv BABYSITTING, my home, Okolona area. Reasonable rates, all ages welcome, meals Included. Call 966-9507 BABYSITTING my home, Bowman Ftetd area, experienced, references 456-6553 BABYSITTING, loving care In home, weekdays, Portland area Experienced. 778-4311 BABYSITTING, vour home, bv Christian Mother, 2nd or 3rd shift. Call 774-8235.

MANAGERS MANAGE TRAINEES AGENTS Potential SSO.OOO-SIOO.OOO Ht veer Incoma win A-- suoerlof Inwranca company. We oa-cialiie in tancar accidental one with return oraml-Ultw in 20 vr reoardHts of cMm pad jo tor continental braakfav. Hot r)ay Inn, vV Broadwav. Louivil, Feb IS. 9-10 50 a m.

AM tor OavK3 Giloo Bring bmi-nes card, oaw'ng to MANICURIST. 8j0 to 4 30. Good faicvv and twnetit. Position ooen Ftrtwuarv ISth. Call Mr Eberta: S84 4J11 ext.

33 MECHANIC -or asserrvbtv of hydraulic component. wperlanca pr-tered Send reiume to: Poowr Lavel Lnve-jlte KY MECHANIC- Automotive A. truck Must have own tool. Experienced need only apply. Tod pay and benefit.

9fr9-33i7, 10 5 pm. MECHANICS, need eiperl-enoetf neavy equipment DiewH Mechanic. Send rume to: P. O. Box 1375, New Albany, IN.

47158 MEDICAL BILLING OFFICE Data Fntrv, knowledge of tiling meoical lnuranre claim reauired. Bvc bookeepfnfl hetohji. To hand man practice biMino ooaratton mfsc clerical dude. Sand reuma to: Box M-18, co CJ, Loufivtlie, KY, 4023. MEDICAL-Sacrad Heart Home, 2120 Pavne peron-at care facility, now taking applications: CWT fullpart-tlma COOK, tuti-tlma dqv, HECEPTlONlST-parl-tim weekend.

Arofv In person. Eoual Oppor-tunlty Employer. MEDtCAL-experiencfcd person (n all of medical Oiling office. We are looking tor enthusiastic, pleasant person wiling to work. Element Denefit salary Send resume to Or.

Billing Office, PO Boa S8S4o, Louts ilia KY 40268- ota MEOtCAL Home Health Aide progressive new agency needs experienced nurse aide with own transportation to render excellent patient care. Part lime, lull time, vour choice. Flexible hour, excellent pav. MAS Nursing of Louisviiia, Inc. JB-eJUU MEDICAL X-Rav technician.

urn i led cartrticata required, physician' office experience preferred, good benefit, call 58S-4163, 10 a.m. -4 p.m. MEOtCAL Call 58v-200e Meorcw aocietv Emplovment Agency MEDICAL txpenence oniy. Call 587-72A9 NAIL TECHNICIAN Need 1 experienced peopte Immediately. Mutt have manicurist license; no phone call.

Please send resume to: Merle Norman Cosmetics, Greentret Ma II Clarksvllie, IN 47130 NANNY, to provide stimulating dav for active 1 yr. od, must have excellent references be a kind fr loving non-smoker wown transportaiton, east end. Send reply to: Box u-47! co cj. 57 w. uroaa- way, Louisville, KY, 40202.

NANNY HOUSE KEEPER: Nice area In east end; room board, ptu salary. Prefer ma-lure person. References required 562-6719 NURSE male, female I NURSE I Privote rehabilitation firm needs expert- enced B.S.N, with or- thopedic, industrial or 0 home health back- 0 ground, full time. Call 9 502 243-4800 NURSE (msle-fernale) R.N. Position available for part lima on 11 to 7 shift.

NURSING ASSISTANT-BII shift available tor part time position, prefer 3 month minimum experience. Please apply in person won. rnru t-ri. q.w a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

MlLH-KfcfcK MANDK 314 BreckinriooB Ln Affiliate Beverly Enterprise NURSC (malfl-femaie) R.N. Need a chanoe of pace? R.N. hiti tine 3-11. Pleasant working environment-starting salary $10 PER HOUR Apptv In person jwe uuicnman Lane Loulsvilie, KY 4O205 NURSE LPN Part time, 3 to it. pine tree vities 4604 Lowe Road 451-U0I NURSE RN, LPN or CMT Piril-time part-time.

aH shifts needed- Call for an appointment: Brownsboro Hill Nursing Home, NURSE, malefemale. RN. NKC Hospitals, full part lime. Nurse Recruiter M2-8400 NURSES (malefemnle) Nurse and CMT needed for small Intermediate care nurs-tng facility, tf Interested call 452-1579, Klondike Manor, 3602 Klondike Manor. NURSING ASSISTANTS, maie'temale.

Looking tor a challenging new career as a Nursing Assistant, but have no training or experience? Now Is the time to Invest fn vourseH by enrolling In a state approved Nursing Assistant Training Program. Do it now! Classes start Feb. 29th, 1988. Must be accepted bv Feb. 22nd.

Apply in person to: Green Valley Convalescent Center 3118 Green Valley Rd. New Albany, IN. 47150 Applicants must have Phone. NURSING (maie-femaie) Litetron, a division ot United Medical Corporation, has full time opening in Shelby County area for a HOME CARE REPRESENTATIVE to work with patient and medical equipment being used in their home. Also, full lime CLERICAL position available.

Must have 1-2 years previous office experience. Call Lisa Comb at UMCShelbyvHle, 589-0213. NURSING male female CMT or LPN part-time, every other weekend occasional weekdavs during vacations. For 3-1 1 30 shifts. x-perlence good reference required.

Apolv at: Westminister Terrace 2116 Beuchel Bonk Louisville, KY 40218. No phone Calls Please OFFICE HELP with Mln. 1 vr. Data Entry Experience Benefits. Con 459-3T14.

5PTICAL Kentucky Licensed Dispensing Optician Excellent opportunity to loin the management team of a national retail optical company. Immediate positions open In Eiliaoetntown, KY. Saiarv negotiable. All replies strictly confidential. Call collect.

Holly Bland ROYAL OPTICAL 50Z-B4Z-ZiJ! OPTICAL Optical Dispenser For Clartcsvllle or Okolona Su per Optical, vvill train retail person tor optical career. Work in a new modern professional surrounding. Advance al vour own pace. Send resume or apply fn person at: 7815 Preston Hgwv. Louisville 40219 ok bia tast H.gnway ui Ciarksville, IN 47130 OPTOMETRIST OPTOMETRIST Louisville, Kv.

has primary care optometrist opportunities avanaoie. nave tne profession at independence of a private practice wiow overhead in a modern, well equipped office. ability Insurance available. Call Hon Taub. O.D 312-80-166, collect.

All replies confidential. PAINTER -rewieader minimum 10 vears experience win commercial painting contractors, lop pay, references. j-aii oeiween p.m. PHARMACIST PHARMACIST Long farm care pharmacy needs pari nme Pharmacist. No niohts.

Sundavs or holi days Must be Indiana licensed or license engibie. Appty ai Hill Crest Health Care Center. 503 Sparks Ave. Jeffersonville IN 9 clown? Mtettlee DELIVERY Service person. Appty in person.

Beer Sues 4 Saunas, 6300 Preston Hpwy. DENTAL HYGIENIST DENTAL ASSISTANT Immediate opening tor busy established business In Southern Indiana. Salary negotiable. Send resume to: Box C-441, t0 CJ. 525 W.

Broadway, Lootsv'lte, KY, 40202, DENTAL Assistant, friendly a. experienced. a.m. to 6 p.m. East end.

Send resume wsaiary expectations to: Box O-m, S75 W. Broadway, DENTAL- Part time work, exoer bence preferred. Send resume to: P.O. Box 2079. Louisville, KY 4O22O-078i DIE SETTER, experienced on press brakes.

Apply In person: 1747 Meiiwood Ave DIESEL MECHANIC Rapidly growing transportation company has excellent opportunity available tor a tuiiv qualified, experienced dieset mechanic Good starting rate and benefit package. Call fcaree, to 4 for more Information at 1-100-647-3704 or caN Walt Horthup al: 1-81 2-788-V28t DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Community eorrectionol center. Mosten degree in social science, corrections or related field, and yrs. management andor administrative experience. Or Bachelors Degree in related fields, and 7 yrs.

management or administrative experience. Send resume to S. Berry, 124 West Oak, Louisville KY, 40203. Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTER, Mecfmnlcal, 5 vrs. plus on-toO ejiperiencs.

Structural steel detailing, auto cad a must. CaN today METRO TECH 459-6221 DRIVER PARTS DRIVER Pert time, 70 to 30 hour per week. Apply tn person to Mr. Donald Poehter, BEHIND SEARS IN THE GREENTREE MALL 284-3003 $80 per week. HpDS.

CARRIER ROUTES AVAILABLE The Courier-Journal has routes available in the following areas. CASH BONDS REQUIRED. CALL 589-JOBS, leave name, address, phone number and area of interest Lynnhurst, Oakwood Approwrnate profit $200 month. Call David De Berry. Old Third Street Road Arbor Park North Call Robb Rupp.

Scottsdale Subdivision Area Call Rob Rupp. Longest Willow Grin8tead Grinstead Court Christy Morton Approximate profit $250 to $500 per month. Call Dana Davis. St Matthews Crescent Hill Area Approximate profit $500 per month. 1 hour A.M.

45 minutes P.M. 2 hours Sunday morning Call Jim Heady. St Regis Park Lowe Rd. Area Call Chris Bauscher. Southern Parkway 3rd Street Approximate profit $240 per month.

Call Jeff Jobe. East Woodlawn, Ashland, Francis Wellington Approximate profit $290 per month. Call David De berry 5000 Block 2nd St and Southside Dr. East Ambers East Tenny Approximate profit $280 per month. Call David Deberry Stanley, Navaho, Seelbach Cliff Approximate profit $200 per month.

Call David Deberry Hite Frankfort Ave. Approximate profit per month. Call Barry Whitman. Bardstown Rd. Eastern Pkwy.

area Woodbourne Valletta 320 Money To Lend FIXED RATE 2nd Mortgage Loans AS LOW AS TODAY'S PRIME RATE ASSISTANT MANAGERS Wo ore rtie leading retail chain in Hie country specializing in linens, domestics and home furnishings with 150 stores coast to coast. We are looking for growth-oriented people to train for store management in our LOUISVILLE store. If you are ambitious and a self-starter with interest in sales, merchandising and operations this is an opportunity for you. A 2 or 4 year college degree is preferred, but not required, prior retail experience with chain, specialty or department stores is a plus. We provide a good starting salary, a comprehensive benefit plan and rapid promotional opportunities.

Forward letter or resume in confidence to: Distric Manager: LINENS 'N THINGS 6401 Richmond Rd. Suite B-14 PO BOX 87 lightfoot, VA 2300 jyA.p.n. I 'ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE Electrical Engineer Industrial Controls Manufacturer of production automation equipment requires electrical engineer with minimum ol 10 years experience in control panel design and programmable controllers. Send resume including salary requirements to: Plant Manager Corpane Industries, Inc. 101 00 Bluegrass Pkwy.

Louisville, KY 40299. Equal Opportunity Employer RATE STAYS SAME for life of loan DIRECT LENDER Rate For Short Term loans Longer iwrtu in tmi ut Intw LOUISVILLE. KY NEW ALBANY. IN Local Toll Free No. year; Approximate profit uaryi up a.m.

to 4 p.m. won. to i-n..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.