The Edina Sentinel and Knox County Democrat from Edina, Missouri (2024)

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The Edina Sentinel and Knox County Democrati

Edina, Missouri

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PAGE OUR'" THURSDAY JULY 3 1958 THE SENTINEL EDINA MO LOCAL AND PERSONAL Clouser 3rs $iecaa of JIavrc Jerry Mr and Mrs Charles Shultz IVI Attr rrxrt4 zxl R'l in i i zx a OICE CLOSED WILL RE OPEN Monday July 21 CORNELIUS 0 given GOT BUGS IN YOUR CROPS? 'U ON HIGH QUALITY INSECTICIDES EED Edina Mo SOCIAL EVENTS KENNIDY Kirksville Mo GO was born Before Too Go Seo Yw Aotkorhed State Ado Ageoi Second eature Scott in i Washing youngest of to be be ONLY ONE MOVING PART! CQ MYERS TRUCK LINE and and Lt and Air two children of Colony and Mrs 0 Coo)1 Cre(k Roa()si(le park south of I Mrs Mary Coppers of Brashear People Are Invited to Contribute Items or This Department Get Them In Early Mr and Mrs Thomas Woodard andson Dale Harry Schempp Miss I Hazel Davis and Lennie Inman Mr its June birthday party Wednesday evening June 25 for members and their families at the home of Mrs Mima Henry Mr and Mrs Cecil Hardin and son Van of Alton Ill and Mr and Mrs rank Vansickle were guests at sup per Tuesday evening at the Leonard Epperson home Mrs Joseph Hickman of Regina Sask Canada left Sunday for her home after visiting a month with her parents Mr and Mrs Sherman Barn lill and relatives at Edina Mr and Mrs Leonard Johnson and daughter Cjndia and Mrs Edwin Carlson of Monmouth Ill visited their cousin Mrs Sherman Barnhill and Mr Barnhill Monday Mr and Mrs Eldon Banks and daughter Anetta left last week for their home in Albuquerque Mex Luann Banks remained for a longer visit with her cousin Shermaine Slocum Mrs Virgil Halladay of Tucson Ariz visited at the home of Miss Bertha Halladay riday They both spent the week end in Kirksville at the home of Mr and Mrs A Halladay Mr and Mrs Berry Vandiver Mrs Ella Ross and Mrs Pete Vansickle attended church services at Hedge These people came to see Mr Mrs Clyde Jones Sunday: Mr Mrs Mettes of Macon Comr and Mrs A Mettes daughter Beverley of the Naval Base New Orleans La and Mrs Paul Jones and two children Bob and Paula of Streator Ill They were entertained at a 6 dinner in the evening by Mr and Mrs Jones Mrs Jones and daughter Paula re turned to Streator while the son Bob stayed to visit his grandparents Mr and Mrs Jones The nicest courtesy you can Ihow your friends or guests from out of town is to have their visits mentioned here oj let them and Others learn of your visit through this page whenever you go away Paid locals of business houses brought in late like on Thursday morning and just as well have been in at least a day or two be fore will only be carried at double price if at all and grandson Victor Chamberlin of Tampa la who is attending the State Teachers College in Kirksville tf and a girl The Knox County Democratic Club met at Novelty Mon day evening with a good representa tion A carry in dinner was served 0 Mackie of Kirksville candi date for state senator made a short talk as did Richard DeCoster of Canton also a candidate for senator A number of county candidates were also present Dr Hatfield Edina told of his recent trip Hawaii The next meeting will held at Baring with the date to announced later Plus REE Top Value Stamps Kiley Insurance Agency Edina for all kinds of insurance tf When you need insurance see Ruth Ann Stover agent Edina Mo tf Miss Marlyn Garnett of Edina was dismissed from the Gibson Hospital last Thursday Mr and Mrs essler and two children left yesterday for a vacation in lorida Turn your unwanted furniture into ready cash Consign to Auction Center Phone GE4 2381 Knox City Mr and Mrs Edgar Smith and a granddaughter of Kansas City were Been in Edina Monday for a visit here Mrs Lola Szlapka left Tuesday for Milwaukee Wis' to visit her brother red Dodds and his family and also friends There willVbe Ja ice cream and cake supper Saturday even ing at the Knox City American Le gion building Mr and Mrs John Huntley visited their daughter Mrs Leo Gordon and her family in Denver Colo last week They returned home Tuesday Mrs Earl Davis of near Pal myra came yesterday morning and visited her mother and brother Mrs A Endres and son Junior until 1 this afternoon Dr and Mrs Gibson and two children Judy and Gary and 1 Miss Donna Dodd and Dr and Mrs Gibson and Dr and Mrs Cornelius departed riday night for a I vacation and fishing trip in Canada Mr and Mrs Charles Kelley and daughter Joyce were vacationing at the Lake of the Ozarks from lastThursday until Sunday evening They also spent last evening in Newark at 1 the home of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Hal Marquette Mr and Mrs Jerome Klote are the parents of a son who was born Monday June 30 1958 at the Kirks ville Osteopathic Hospital Bryant Jerome as he has been named weigh ed 7 pounds and 15 ounces and is the first boy and fifth child Mr and Mrs McGinnis and daughter Barbara Mae of Lancaster Pa and McGinnis and Miss Helen Johnson of Canton Ohio ar rived last Thursday to visit John Mc Ginnis of here and other relatives and friends in Quincy and Hannibal Mrs Edwin Ream of Omaha Nebr spent almost two weeks with her mother Mrs Pauline Witte and brother John northeast of Edina Mrs two sons were with her Her husband was in Cedar Rapids Iowa on a job fori the Johnson Serv ice Co Mr and Mrs Melvin Ratcliff and children of Brookfield came Saturday and visited Mr and Mrs reeman Parsons until Sunday evening Mr Ratcliff was formerly manager of the Hirsch Co store here They had been to lat River their old home pace Mr and Mrs James Rimer and son Keith moved Saturday into an apartment at the home of Mr and Mis Russell Morgret in the east part of town the home built by Ira Dal ton Mr Rimer who has been at tending a school for morticians in Chicago graduated riday Bobby Aucutt went to Mt Vernon Mo Tuesday of last week to be with Mrs Aucutt who remains a patient at the State Sanatorium and under went major surgery Wednesday of last week The top lobe of the right Jung was removed which is one third of the lung Mrs Aucutt is doing as well as could be expected Mike Dennis and Pamela small children of the Aucutts stayed with their grand mother Mrs Gail Karhoff at Bar ing while their father was away He returned home Sunday evening Mrs new address is Surgical II Mrs Minnie Daily of Pasadena Calif where she lives with a daugh ter Miss Helen Daily a school teach er there was here riday She came here from Kirksville with her gon John Daily and two sons John and Tommie of Kansas City whom she met there and they came to Edi na with another son James Daily of Kirksville Mrs Daily visited her sister Mrs Nichols Pontiac Hl before going to Kirksville After going back to Kansas City Mrs Daily Will leave Irom there for ton to visit her daughter Irene A son Gerald rancis June 10 1958 in St Hospital at Streator Ill to Mr and Mrs Gerald Harcharik of 208 Third St The baby weighed eight pounds and eight ounces The mother was for merly Miss Beverly Wilson aunt oi Mrs Don Woodward of Edina ant she is a daughter of Lorran Wilson of La Plata The paternal grand parents are Mr and Mrs John Harch arik of 1205VHr irst St Streator The father is employed in the Strea tor postoffice as a letter carrier They also have a nineteen month old (brighter Mary Ann nitn Loads Round or Square Bales over Any Al Speeds up to lOmph! No gears chains engine or hydraulic Nothing to get out of adjustment! Large ground driven wheel provides continuous loading action to permit faster travel even in heaviest Large throat automatic ally positions bales for gentle lifting to elevated plat form Nothing to gouge the ground safe even on terraced fields discover a lifetime invest ment in lower labor costs CALL OR SEE US OR A DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR IELD! GOING SOMEWHERE? Protect yourself and family with STATE AUTO's low cost Travel Accident Policy Covers: Automobile travel accidents scheduled air rail and steamship accidents pedestrian ac cidents while a passenger in bus street railway subway and interur ban trains State Auto's Travel Accident Policy Who is eligible? You and spouse and unmarried children age 30 days to 18th birthday PAYS $5000 Death Indemnity Pays $500000 lor one or more deaths resulting from any one accident PLUS medical expenses PAYS $5000 Medical Expense Pays up to $500000 for Hospital Medical Surgical Nurse and ambulance services for injuries sustained in any one acci dent CORNELIUS IMP COMPANY HIOlffi 1Q8 EDINA MO RICHARDSON I WHEEL LI GO MATHIESON nnox iVI0 another sister Mrs Levi Vansickle and Mr Vansickle A uicnic dinner was given at the for little Annette Shultz and Mrs Eldon Shultz for her third birthday when ever it was Those present were: Mr and Mrs Robert Woodard and son DELBERT HAWKINS PHONE 454 EDINA MO City Sunday and were guests at din 'Howard Coppers and dauughter Di ner at the home of Mrs arm of Glenwood Iowa visited 'Mrs sister Miss Ella Campbell Susie Gardner and Mrs! Geoige Mr and Mrs Robert Poore visited Campbell Monday morning Mr sister Mrs Jerry Mr and Mrs Harry Holman and Stewart and her family in Pittsfield son Jerry spent the week end of 111 Sunday Claudia Jo Poore their une 21 22 in St louis attending a IGIWHUI livlIIV IU after a visit of a week there Mr and Mrs wont visited Mrs busie Gardner riday afternoon Mvr min niupivy anu uaugnieis iiiizei vuvis anti uennie innian xui Marsha and Susan and Mrs Marie and Mrs Dave Woodard of Edina and Chamberlin of Philadelphia Pa and Mr and Mrs Eldon Shultz Sunday Monday Tuesday July 6 7 8 Marlon Brando Montgomery Clift 'in THE YOUNG HONS" HURDLAND Mrs Nick Hook Mrs Thomas Harper Mrs Henry Lamb spent Tuesday morning with Mrs Susie Gardner Mrs Mima Henry and Mrs Cleta Gonnerman were in Marshalltown Iowa Monday Mr and Mrs Harry Holman and son spent Sunday with Mrs Alta Hol man south of Edina Mrs Mary Johnson of Upland1 Calif has been visiting her sister Mrs Sherman Barnhill Ted Patton of Brooklyn vis ited three days last week with Mr and Mrs Sherman Barnhill Mr and Mrs rancis Elmore and son Randy had supper Monday at the home of Harry Holman Mr and Mrs Robert Kilbride and children of Quincy visited' at the home of Mrs Cliff Kilbride Sunday Joe Grace of Kansas City came Sumey Kay Nora Ann ano uaina een Rowlison of Carney Nebr are Marion Warford and family leftaurday for their home in South fiend Ind after spending two weeks relatives Mrs Ruth Whitney and her four (laugnters and a son of Carney Nebr ari'k visiting friends and relatives in lll(j near Hurdland Miss Randi Kaye Barnhill came by train Sunday from Chicago to visit with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Sherman Barnhill Mr and Mrs red Raffety of near Hurdland had as their guests last weik end Mr and Mrs Owen Wood of Carleobnl Mex Mrs Perry Vandiver Mrs Pete Vansickle and Mrs lossie Hedge co*ck visited Saturday afternoon at the Lelland McGlothlin home I Mr and Mrs JoPn Woodard and 'Mr and Mrs Obelene Miller were of Mie and Mrs Johme Grump Wallace Graves of Huntsville and Mr and Mrs George Byswinger of Iniic visitor! nt thn hom*o nf Mis JI IzUUlM xzx a uyxW' MATHIESON SAELY! INSURED! The closing' of the vacation Bible school at the Christian Church here last week had an average attendance of sixty two The offering given fur nished thirty one kits to be sent to refugee children The kits in the form of draw string bags contained a wash cloth soap comb tooth brush and tooth paste These kits are dis tributed through the National Mis sionary Society at Indianapolis Ind Mrs Charles Werner 'entertained woiiuay to the home of Mr and Mrs at dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs Henry joe Mills and called on friends here ii rt i i a ivv4 nax oi nere ana Dir ana Mrs Mar lin Rirkil nori hilrlinn nf nnnv rayra in honor of the birthday of Mr visiting at the Thomas Harper home flax Mrs Nora Louise Poore and children of near Shelbina called in the afternoon Mr and Mrs John Harrington and children of Kirksville were guests at supper that evening daughter returned home with them meeting and visiting with the Rev Car Brandt and his ami 1 he William oglesong Rev Mr Brandt was a former pas and children of Linton Ind are here tor of the Methodist Church in Hurd for a visit with their parents Charles land oglesong and Mr and Mrs William! Mr and Mrs Conder of Twin Golden Mrs Raymond Rigsby and I alls Idaho visited Mr sis son Gary are visiting at the Golden her Mrs Bessie Bartlow and their home 1 m'other James Conder and Mrs Callers at the Thomas Harper home I'Cond'i last week They all went Sunday were Miss Mina Clouser andfto Kirksville and spent one day with Mrs Ethel Clouser and two daugh ters Glenda and Eva of Edina and Mr and Mrs Don Sams and their YOU CAN SAVE The Edina Cafe will be closed July 4 and 5 Mrs Vertie BoweiTof Novelty was dismissed from the Gibson Hospital Monday or the best shake in town on aiut try Pittsburgh paints at Krieg nauser Bros Buy coal now while the price is low Myers Truck Line Knox City and Edina Strawberry ice cream and cake supper Saturday evening at the Knox City American Legion building Take advantage of reduced Pj'ices on all coal ordered now from Qdyers Truk Line Knox City and Edina Before vou buy that piece of furni ture be sure and check the quality and style and most of all the low low price at Kriegsbauser Bros urni ture Miss Phvlis Bender friend of Waukegan 111 and another girl friend of Quincy spent the week end here with Miss mother Mrs Clementine Bender and sister Miss Peggy Mr and Mrs Robert Goodwin of Burlington Iowa were guests at din ner yesterday of Mr and Mrs Char ley Jones They and Mrs Jones at tended the funeral of Eddie Norton at the Hudson uneral Home here in the afternoon Mr and Mrs John Kelley went to Shelbyville Sunday and spent the day at the home of Mr and Mrs Brown The son John Kelley and Mrs Kelley of Columbia were also there The occasion was in honor of the birthday of Mrs John Kelley Mr and Mrs Guy Kincaid who live in the east part of town are the par ents of a son born here last Thurs day June 26 1958 at the Gibson Hos pital He weighed 8 pounds and 4 ounces and has been named Robert vteven Mrs Kincaid and the baby went home Sunday Mr and Mrs Joe Nold and sons of Seagwick Kan came yesterday morning to visit Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Glen Rampy and otner relatives They were accompanied here by Mrs sister Miss San dra Rampy who had been visiting at her home and al that of their broth er Jerry Rampy the last two weeks Harold Rampy and family of Peoria Ill came yesterday evening to visit Mr parents Mr and Mrs Rampy here and other relatives Mr and Mrs Richard Rampy and children returned Saturday from a vacation of two weeks in Kansas andMissouri They visited relatives in aansas the first week and spent the last week with Mrs par ents the Rev and Mrs Tate at Lathrope Mo While there? they accompanied by the Tates spent a few days at the Lake' of the Ozarks On their way back here they spent riday night with Mr and Mrs Guy Spencer at Brunswick 'Mo Thursday riday Saturday July 3 4 5 Matinee July 4 Danny Pier Angeli Second Merry Lisa Davis GIRLS" KENNETH HAGERLA PHONE 561W2 EDINA MO Installation of newly elected board at dinn'er Sunday at the home members was he at the Chr st Church here Sunday morning They are Paul Klocke James Walker Sher man Barnhill and Clarence Corrick KI TA TXT 1 I 0 IjOuIS IblLCU 41 1 IHU HUlIiv U1 new deacons are Don Woodward uq wuif Ami lional1 Wt TO Letuard Epperson rrotWnr l(! and grandson Ted Epperson and Mr ay Hett igei Remaining on the Mrs prank Vansickle attended oardare Ray Marlde Dr NR IIat church service at Milan Sunday field Harry Jones Ed Probe and LeoL M1 an(i Mrs Sherman Barnhill Lppeison Retiring from the board wpre at a supper at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Beard at Spring Ellis Meiicll A Rimer and Hh' ak Cabin at Kirksville Sunday man Parker Past elders who also Xnns participated in the installation Were Grandview Extension Club held nvuic vatiipwii dim UUgitr 1 The newly elected Sunday school su perintendent is Don Woodward with Harry Oldfather as assistant The in stallation prayers were given by the minister the Rev Joseph Todd and statements ot dedication were by those elected Wednesday Thursday July 9 10 Cartoon eature i iimVri vn 1 itfi CDCriAl 100 POUNDS REE with every rCiVlnL tori purchased THROUGH JULY! 7 MM WV i MW I A Mr JY a ftfWA IrZnill 11)1 I KI TCsX LOW COST! TtR or AMILY IHDIVIB COVERAOK PREMIUM PREMIUM 8 days 500 300 16 days 1000 600 32 days 1500 900 180 jlays 2500 1200 1 year 3000 1500 i.

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The Edina Sentinel and Knox County Democrat from Edina, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.